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dead 520i (now it really is!)


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OK, not having much luck with this at the moment.

Having sorted out the bios issue in my last posting, now we have what seems to be a more serious issue.

Tried to update the fixture list last night (wasn't me) and now the desk will not boot at all.

we can get it to boot into DOS, tried the 220clean, no luck.

There is no disc in the drive when trying to boot.


after the strand splash screen all we get is a dos screen with vaious garb on it, at the end, cannot continue ERROR00000004H

Tried googling for the error, to no avail.

If you leave it a while, say about 5 mins you get another error

cannot read from c:\ file system may be corrupt or damaged


would I be right in thinking that the HDD is goosed, or is is possible that loading the fixture library in through dos has managed to make a mess of the OS?

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Have you got the password saved?

could try a dos startup disc to boot from,then check the contents of the hard drive (dir c:/w to list the files and chkdsk c: to check the hard drive ),if youve got the password and anything else you want copyed somewere safe then could try fromating c drive and copy the system files over (format c: /s) then reinstalling the strand software

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Everything is saved and backed up, so will give that a try, I have a few (new and used) HDD on standby.

Things will be on hold for a few days, had to do an emergency hire for the show we have in tomorrow (its being plotted as I type)

Upgrading would be nice, but the desk is owned by us, so getting it back up and running would be great.


Somthing else has just also fallen into place as well. just before xmas we had a show on, during the first half, we lost DMX2 and all the lights on it.

having looked into it, DMX2 is as dead as a dodo.

having got the LED PARs out, every single one is also dead, some will power on but not respond to DMX, some are compleatly dead, it seems something, somewhere in that chain has developed a fault and completely goosed everything else in it.

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That must be rather frustrating...!

Maybe an idea for next time and all that :)

At least (well, the way I'm reading your posts) they're your LED pars, so you don't have anyone else hounding you for the repair of their gear while you also have to sort out a dead console...



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yes, their all ours, dead pars, and all.

the pars are only just a squeeze over 12months old, so if I find any stray bits floating around inside, I'll be getting in touch with the company we bought them from to see if they are willing to do anything with the pars at least.

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If you have someone who's sort of computer aware, google for a DOS 6 boot image for floppy based system - if memory serves (and it's been a while) you should be able to create a bootable DOS floppy to get the desk up and booted.


You can then backup the password files or if you're really clever connect one of the new HD's as a slave to the desk's drive - put a bootable DOS on there and then copy the 220OS directory across along with your show files. Remove the existing HD - link the new drive as master and voila - a bootable 520. The position of the password file on the HD isn't critical because it's a soft key rather than an encrypted key so ordinary DOS copy or XXcopy should do the job.

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