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Quiet (fanless) amplifier


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Hello All!


Can someone recommend me an amplifier with no fan or a very quiet one? Its for an install in a church! Tried a Behringer EP2000 and the fan noise is intrusive. Suspect there is a problem with this as it isn't dropping to low speed, but the amp's location- high on a shelf in a cupboard (where the door has to be open) is an issue as it seems to act as a sounding board! Got around £250 to spend. The amp wont be working very hard in the application!


Any suggestions?



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What kind of power output is needed? Do you actualy need the claimed power output of the EP2000? The lower cost amps often have small or low cost fans fitted, and can sound like an RB211 on full thrust. Perhaps the easiest approach is to buy a studio amp (e.g. Alesis RA150 or Behringer A500) as these are fanless.


The Yamaha P series amps (P3500S etc. ) have fans but are pretty quiet. However, they may break your budget....



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Would it be convenient for the amp to be concealed/sited in a "plant room" sort of thing? IF the level has to be adjusted for different "orators" then a small mixer in the "auditorium" would be as silent in operation as you could wish for.


That way you can still use your EP2000 and splash out on longer connecting cables say.

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Depends a little on what you mean by “The amp wont be working very hard in the application!”


I would second the Yamaha P-series, they have fans but aren’t too noisy. Not too expensive if you can accept 2nd hand.


If you need real power, you may have a hard time finding something fan-less, even PCM amps.

Good luck!




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I've got an Inter M R500 which gives 250watts per channel into 4 ohms. I bought it specifically for use in a small room because it has no fan and is silent - it is 3u and quite heavy with big heat sinks. Ironically that job has finished. I'm not sure whether the amp is still in production, they are not expensive and I've had no problems with it. The other option would be to get a HiFi power amplifier like a Quad but they will cost a bit more.
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Thank for the replies!


Its powering a pair of Peavey Hysis2 (4ohm) speakers. Not my choice and certainly a sledgehammer to crack a wallnut! The Church is a very restrained with an older congregation. The majority of the program is speech. The room is pretty small. Around 100-150w would be enough.


As you can imagine, I am doing this for free so would sooner not get involved with relocating anything as it would be in my own time, otherwise, YES! relocating it would be an idea.


The Behringer amp was new and is being sent back due to the screaming fan. It is stuck at high speed. Just need a replacement! Wondering about the BK electronics range of OMP amplifiers?





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Ah, well, now, perhaps if you feel that 100-150W o/p is adequate then finding a HiFi amp happy to drive into 4 Ohms for a hour or two may be your best solution.


I "had" to use my Technics amp in an amdram at very short notice (when main amp in VH stopped working and nobody was willing to take ownership of the repairs) it was only rated at 70W per channel but found could handle the "thunder" FX to more than adequate level when "volume" control was just less than half sort of thing. Was driving some old ProSound 8 ohm spkrs on very long cables.


Might be that "Richer Sounds" is a good place to start??? Certainly the money side is reasonable.

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Just as well the OP is obliged to use a shelf in an open cupboard...


I quite often screw a pair of L brackets to the shelf and the amp in such cases. It doesn't stop the determined thief, but does make it harder to walk away with the amp. Church PAs were (are?) quite a temptation for the local thieves, especially as congregations got rid of 100V line amps and columns and purchased goods that wouldn't be unsuitable for a small rock band. The scallywags seem more interested in the roofing lead at the moment though...

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I would suggest a BKE MXF400 - got one myself and is perfect for quiet environments as it is fan less. 215w per channel at 4 Ohms and £259.56 brings it just around budget. They are solid amps (had mine for nearly 5 years with no problems) and output seem to be true watts (seems to pack more of a punch than other higher output rated amps I have!).


They are 3U though, got mine in a 4U flight case to give it a bit of extra space for cooling but it never seems to get that hot.

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