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MAC 250 and LeapFrog Desk


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I have couple of MAC 250s running on a Leapfrog desk. I programmed up some sequences but when running something in the programme seems to reset the units, and of course you wait eight minutes for the cooldown cycle. I assume there is a menu setting to stop the inadvertent restarting of the unit. Also it may be a bit naive but what setting will you programme the desk to make sure you dont have the lantern moving while lit when not even part of the next state, I guess "snap" on the brightness change, but in that case how do you dim the conventionals at the same time as snapping off the mover?
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You would have to look at the manual but there is a DMX reset on mac 250's which require a certain channel set at 255 for a certain period. Have a look at the manual. As for the other issue Im familiar with the leapfrog desk so can't help.





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You would have to look at the manual but there is a DMX reset on mac 250's which require a certain channel set at 255 for a certain period. Have a look at the manual. As for the other issue Im familiar with the leapfrog desk so can't help.



DMX channel 1, value 248-255, Lamp off time 5 seconds.


On the Mac250 (or+), Personality setting (PERS) set DMX reset dRES to off, to disable DMX reset command and there's also dLOF, also in the PERS menu that disables lamp DMX off command.

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Thanks guys! This really is an excelent forum! I think I ran into tow different issues, the desk one I think I can sort but the tips about the menu settings of my Macs makes a lot of sense as I was experimenting with the gobo effects when the unit would reset!
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Actually I am looking for tips on programming. Sometimes I want the macs to move while dark and obviously sometimes not. I can see there are some other menus on the units which suggest I can make the unit always be black on movement. So if I understand right, if I programme a chase the unit will stay lit on movement if I chose, but if I programme two scenes, it will blackout while moving? Does that make sense. I obviously could do trial and error but have not got a lot of time to programme the show and obviously want it to look the best I can achieve without having to go in after a run to tweak!
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TBH on a Leapfrog you're better to hard-program in the move while dark, and mark cues. I wouldn't rely on the lamp to do this because as you say, in a chase situation it's not going to be an ideal look if it blacks out in between steps.



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TBH on a Leapfrog you're better to hard-program in the move while dark, and mark cues. I wouldn't rely on the lamp to do this because as you say, in a chase situation it's not going to be an ideal look if it blacks out in between steps.



That makes sense Many thanks

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Sadly the old one! I am not saying I am not more than happy with the old girl. Ironic I now have the funds to buy some extra kit which is using a far wider range of the effects built in than ever before! For the first time the FROG generator will actually be programmed in!
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