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Pixel Mapping Choices?


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Hi all. Im looking for some advice on the best way to go, to map visuals to led batterns.


I will be creating my own content, which I then want to map onto a number of LED batterns. Some nice easy (preferrably cheap) software than can do the job would be great.


I have tried MADRIX which is a great piece of kit, but way out of my budget!




NEEDS: output DMX via enttec pro dongle

can be triggered via midi (using a DAW - would prefer not to have to buy and midi interfaces... I.e this rules magic q out)



BONUS: the ability to add FX live, eg colour overlays, strobing video, etc etc




This may get a better response in video, but im not sure.

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record and assuming you aren't considering it, the MagicQ deals with pixel mapping within the console and the new Titan implementation is straightforward although I'm not sure where Titan is regarding imported video yet.


Not sure how Landy is getting on with the .Matrix software, but the USB Pro was on the list. Have a feeling that it's gone on the back burner.




Edit;// Oops re read the midi bit. OK, so that's out too. As far as I know, it's the usual suspects then, in which case maybe you'll need to buy something. :(

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Can magic q be triggered via DMX in? And this can give me a work around of sorts.


Not as far as I"m aware. This would make the MQ a fixture and isn't a function I'm aware of, the DMX In being used for merging or grabbing of DMX data. As the MQ doesn't do that kind of networking/triggering for free (and why should it?) I can't think of a way to use the mapper like that. However, it's a nice little function which is only blown out by the triggering/DAW requirement, so maybe that is the sticking point that needs to be addressed.

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Second plug today - Screen Monkey can do pixel mapping.


I'm prteey sure this is a proferssional feature and thus requires the paid for version. It's certainly not what I'd call "cheap", but it is lower in price than many other pixel mapping solutions.

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The sticking point is the daw/triggering. But it has to be this way - when I'm not a lampie I play in a band, so the light show is preprogrammed and triggered by MIDI.


I will check out screen monkey aswell, thanks.

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when I'm not a lampie I play in a band, so the light show is preprogrammed and triggered by MID

so take the lampys wage from these gigs and put it towards a chamsys midi box


Lampys wage from small venue gigs? If only.

This is just something I do for enjoyment, hence not wanting to spend. 500+ quid on the MIDI box (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's expensive for what it can do - just that the hobbiest budget is not there for it)


Screen monkey at 120 notes is looking to be the way forward, but if anyone has any other ideas, that would be great

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