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Calendar Girls


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We're a bit of a mixed bag around these parts.


When I first started a hundred years back there was a LOT of cross-fertilisation between groups. And in some cases the principals of one group might form the backbone of the chorus for another, simply because standards were very different, but those people knew their limits and didn't push to be more than they could be. That said, some were nurtured to improve their lot where talent was seen.

The same could be said for backstage. I was one of many who in my late teens/early twenties worked with and for whoever needed crew. I don't believe there was a single am-dram group I didn't get involved with in my first 5 years or so, travelling to half a dozen local venues. And I still can call on contacts made in that period for favours/work etc.


There was seldom anything but good natured rivalry between the 8 or so regular/larger societies.


These days things are different in some cases, though I think some of that is due to personalities exerting themselves in the wrong way over the years. We still get a fair bit of cross-group working, and with most groups the crew will still go wherever they're needed, but it's not always as friendly as it used to be... :(

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I remember being in on Schools will Rock You when that was first released, and much the same thing happened - they were so free and easy with the licence that they didn't even include the usual clauses on recording performances. Within two weeks new licence issues were "suspended" while they reconsidered and revised the process. My take on it is that this kind of occurrence proves theres a real need for shows that will attract audiences to amateur performances. The Schools version of Les Mis is still going strong, and the RUG have released CATS for Schools and Colleges and Whistle Down the Wind for amateurs. Hopefully more will follow.
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  • 3 weeks later...

A local group I know enquired with Samuel French about Calendar Girls. They asked the question were any other local groups going to put on Calendar Girls? They were told there were too many groups applying, so they would have to check for themselves.


The problem is unless you have a very close relationship with other local groups they are unlikely to say. They may also have not yet officially made an announcement, they my just be considering the play and still going through the process of committee etc.


So it is a difficult one. I suspect there will be some local group(s) going to put the play on, but unless it is publicised one can't be sure.

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The small group across the border who have fell out with the big group in my town have now discovered the professional show is now coming to their own home venue in October, and now they are the ones miffed! The management of this show is embarrassing to say the least!
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A local group I know enquired with Samuel French about Calendar Girls. They asked the question were any other local groups going to put on Calendar Girls? They were told there were too many groups applying, so they would have to check for themselves.




So Samuel French does not have a list of where all those scripts are going? Odd

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Having "amdram" experience stretching back more than 40 years, I'm trying to think of any of those middle aged women I'd like to see naked! Well I say "like to see", what I really mean is any I wouldn't shudder at the thought of!


Ok. Straying OT here but I'm afraid you have bumped into one of my pet hates right here.

May I suggest that maybe you should go see the show, or the wonderful show Trilogy by Nic Green (or the Full Monty for that matter). Maybe it will help you get over what is a rather unhealthy view of the human body. It is comments like this that cause people to be ashamed of something they have very little control over (especially when the aging process is taken into account) and contributes to the various image issues that society has.

Please note, this isn't necessarily a direct rebuke to you. I know that you are merely airing the thoughts of a multitude of people. This is a rebuke to anyone who thinks the same thing.

I would personally commend the bravery of any performer in this show, especially when confronted with views such as this.




(Monday morning... I do this rarely...)

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