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Funktion One vs d&b audiotechnik


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I'm horrified that you're even considering submitting your theatre to a function1 system. function1 is a disco box, & a very good job it does for that particular task.


function1 being a disco box is a widely held view amongst serious industry professionals. FACT.


That is just a load of rubbish

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I'm going to have to come to Bobbsy's defence here.


I suspect I am in the relatively unique position of having designed musical theatre shows on both Funktion One and d&b. I didn't get on with the F1 but continue to enjoy using d&b.


If I was building a night club I wouldn't consider installing anything other than Funktion One. I've never heard a dance club with an F1 rig sound anything other than stunning.


Certain products are suited to certain applications - given the choice you wouldn't use an SH55 to mic a Violin - and work better with certain genres than others. The sound of d&b boxes (in my opinion) is well suited to theatrical applications. The sound of the Funktion One products I have used (in my opinion), is less well suited.


In answer to the OPs question, my gut feeling says neither system is right for the theatre in question. You may be better off spending your money on a less well known brand that allows you to get more equipment for your money.

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I'm horrified that you're even considering submitting your theatre to a function1 system. function1 is a disco box, & a very good job it does for that particular task.


function1 being a disco box is a widely held view amongst serious industry professionals. FACT.



Moderation: Full length quotes of a couple of long posts edited out for brevity.


Ha Ha this is funny! You obv have no experince with Funktion One.....


Yes Funktion is favoured in medium scale Dance events due to its sound but in no way EVER does that mean its disco box. I work with it on a regular basis doing various diffrent shows.


Please note It is not my system of choice but it angers me to see people who are clearly not experinced with it slaiting it..... Sitting in a theatre listning to it is NOT experince. Every engineer makes every box sound different.


absolutely correct. Why? Because I rather work with world class loudspeakers, & you don't normally find those boxes at disco's. Bit more upmarket


I'm horrified that you're even considering submitting your theatre to a function1 system. function1 is a disco box, & a very good job it does for that particular task.


function1 being a disco box is a widely held view amongst serious industry professionals. FACT.


That is just a load of rubbish


shucks boo hoo

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I'm being serious. I'm not the biggest Funktion One fan at all. But writing the word 'fact' in capitals doesn't automatically make the preceding statement correct. Which it clearly isn't. It's the kind of immature, sweeping generalisation you'd expect from a kid in a chat room. This is (meant to be) a sensible technical forum.

Who are these 'serious industry professionals' you speak of? There are hundreds, if not thousands of 'serious industry professionals' in this country - they all think Funktion One is a disco box? Really? I think you'll find the industry has moved on a lot in the last decade

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Gareth and Bobbsy (boh highly regarded industry professionals but from different parts of the industry) both expressed an opinion that they would not prefer Funktion 1 boxes in a theatre application. Bobbsy knows what he deems to be accurate reproduction, and bases that on years of experience and real world listening. Likewise, Gareth can choose pretty much whatever he wants for a design, and chooses a particular box for (amongst other factors) its accuracy and neutrality, again based on years of experience and real world listening.


I don't think that anyone is trying to say these are identically sounding boxes. What we should not say is d&b is only for theatre or F1 can only ever be used in discos. It is the sweeping generalisation which is irksome and unhelpful.

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I rather work with world class loudspeakers, & you don't normally find those boxes at disco's.


Both FK1 and d&b audiotechnik manufacture world class product, the point you are continuing to miss is that it's about the right tools for the job.


@ProtecAV - I see you're a Mackie & tapco user - now you are talking about disco boxes... :** laughs out loud **:


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absolutely correct. Why? Because I rather work with world class loudspeakers, & you don't normally find those boxes at disco's. Bit more upmarket


I'll think you'll find the Zutons toured with a Funktion One rig in their 2006 UK tour. They also happen to be a Indie Rock band

KT Tunstall also toured with a Funktion One system, she is definitely not disco...

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Both FK1 and d&b audiotechnik manufacture world class product, the point you are continuing to miss is that it's about the right tools for the job.


This is the most important point of the entire thread.


The wrong gear at the right price is still the wrong gear.


The OP needs to come up with a functional specification of what the system requirements are, and only then look for equipment that meets that spec.



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What I think it comes down to is this.


Engineer walks into a theatre and sees d&b hanging, strokes chin sagely, knows what he should expect.


Engineer walks into theatre with F1, eyebrows are raised, and engineer wonders how long he'll spend getting the hang of this unusual rig, rather than working on the show.


Nothing wrong with F1, just not something you see everyday in theatres.

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I find it astonishing that with either system, nobody on this thread has just said "GO LISTEN".


There are some really petty excuses going down. "F1 is a disco box" "F1 will make people look at it and get upset"... really???


I think there are a number of people here who aren't familiar with the system and as a result, instantly dismiss it. Remember how 10 years ago all your friends said macs sucked? And now everyone has one? Like that. It's poor practice and unhelpful to everyone.


The best thing the OP can do, if the decision HAS to come between these 2 systems.... is ask the company to bring both over and do a demo. You should be able to do a temporary install quite easily using your existing flying equipment, you may have to bring in 2 portable PA towers but these don't cost much to hire. Then you can send up both systems, set them up next to each other, fill the room with people who know something about sound, and play some music, some speech, some recordings of productions etc through one set, then through the other set, and see which people prefer the sound of.


These are SOUND systems and should be judged on sound. Everyone is judging them on a brand name, and a perceived sound quality which they have worked out by looking at the speaker. It's something we all do but it's bad - we perceive the various qualities of a piece of equipment by looking at it.


If you listen to it, only one of 3 things can happen so it's well worth doing - and the result thereafter should be pretty clear:

1) Both systems sound great, and it's a preference issue only - and the other issues come into play - aesthetics, weight, flying system, power required, etc.

2) One system sounds better than the other. Doesn't mean you need to buy it, but it's ruled one system out of the equation.

3) Both systems sound bad, and you need to look for something else altogether.


I think rather than listening to these bitchy arguments generated by people who don't have a clue what they're talking about, the only thing worth doing with a SOUND system is see how it SOUNDS. Every acoustic environment is different, and there are some rooms that regardless of source material, Funktion One will make sound better than a d&B would, rooms where EAW sounds better than Turbosound, rooms where Martin sunds better than L'Acoustic... and so on. You need to see how each system sounds in your space with your material before you can make a judgement on where to spend £8,000!!!

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