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Lighting a pentagon shaped space


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I'm looking to install some sort of lighting in a pentagonalshaped building with walls of length 12m and a roof at height circa 10 metres. The plan originally was to hang a central circular rig to deal with lighting but people were not keen on this from an aesthetic point of view.


An alternative I thought of was to place a moving head in the bottom of the Window V (see image). The throw of these lights would have tobe 20m max with a good light output at that distance. The space is multifunctional so I thought moving heads would be good allowing many configurations of theroom to be used.


I'd be looking for 5 heads (one for each window). Does anyone have any recommendations for these heads? (I'm looking at the Jester MLfor control at the moment.) Or alternatively another solution





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All the usual questions apply here.


What sort of events do you host (is this a church?)?

Is the staging in your pic always in that place or is it truly portable?

What gear do you have at the moment?


If you're planning one lantern at the base of each 'V' then that really does limit your options greatly.


Without actually seeing the space it will be hard for anyone to comment practically. I'd suggest that if you're not too au fait with lighting/rigging then you really should get someone who is over to take stock of the room and make some on-site suggestions.




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You have my sympathy. Two years ago I was asked to give some advice on a multi-purpose hall refurb and spent hours getting out a scheme which was rejected entirely on aesthetic grounds - they simply did not like the look of IWBs and the tab tracks - leaving them with a building that looks flashy but is useless for any performance as well as being an acoustic car-wreck (but that's another story). Tony is quite right in what he says to which I'd only add that if the ceiling is 10m at all points any infrastructure will probably have to be a fair bit lower than that - probably between 5&7 in my view which may make things even more difficult. Get some suppliers in to see what they suggest.
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Vertical pipes, one in each corner? A couple of PARs on each for regular stage use add Fresnels and spots for stage shows. Consider a video projector.


Do your triangular windows have triangular curtains? For the space to have any summer use it will need good blackout.

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Vertical pipes, one in each corner? A couple of PARs on each for regular stage use add Fresnels and spots for stage shows. Consider a video projector.


Do your triangular windows have triangular curtains? For the space to have any summer use it will need good blackout.


Curtains are on their way and so are two Ultra short throw projectors. We were going down the PAR route I'd much rather go LED due to power consumption and maintenance. Do you get LED PARS which would cope over this distance?


@ Ynot The stage is fully portable and the lighting we have currently is non existent.

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Do you get LED PARS which would cope over this distance?
LED pars, probably not. But there are an increasing number of reasonable quality LED fixtures coming up which will certainly throw better than the older kit.
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Do you get LED PARS which would cope over this distance?
LED pars, probably not. But there are an increasing number of reasonable quality LED fixtures coming up which will certainly throw better than the older kit.


Have you used any LED fixtures which would throw that distance? Any names which would be useful?


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Any LED fixture will throw that distance. There are only two variables...


a) How big the splodge of light will be by the time it gets there

b) How bright (dim?) said splodge will be


You still haven't told us what you are trying to light.

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Is this by any chance a certain recently refurbished building in East Kilbride with a burning bush on the side?


If so, I can pop over and be a second mind to bounce ideas around with if that helps.


Colin C

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If the room is pentagon shape, there must be visually acceptable ways - powder coated truss in a matching colour?


You've not provided any clues, but movers are notoriously loud, so something that doesn't actually make noises could be good here?

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If the room is pentagon shape, there must be visually acceptable ways - powder coated truss in a matching colour?


You've not provided any clues, but movers are notoriously loud, so something that doesn't actually make noises could be good here?


Point taken about noise from mover, going to get local AV company in sometime


Colin not in East Kilbride sorry


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