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Head Torch


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Well, it's that time again, another head torch has died and needs replacing. A lot of people seem to recomend Petzl head torches, thinking about getting the E43 from Farnell but I was just wondering if anyone has any first hand experience for this particular head torch and can say if it's any good? Or if it will die within 6 months?



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+1 for Alpkit. The predecessor to the Gamma in their range was much smaller, and has lasted a long time in the depths of my toolbox. Only recently did I rip the clips of the side. My fault, not the torches!


Must get around to ordering a Gamma for me, I bought my bro' one for cycling last christmas.

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I can highly recommend the Tikka Range from Peztl, as you have listed.

Great torch! I've got 2 of them - (Only cause I lost one, then bought another, and found my first one within 20 minutes of opening the new one - Typical!)

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Another vote for the petzl tikka. I've only had mine for a couple of months so can't comment on its longevity but it does exactly what it says on the tin.


Love my Petzl Tikka, but lent it to older daughter who managed to crack the case. I could do with a new torch too...

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I've got one of these somewhere, my daughter "borrowed" it so I haven't seen it for a while, but it's a nice, bright, even light, and focussable from spot to flood. Also has a low power setting, and only 10 dollars delivered!
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I've got the Petzl Tikka plus that I use for electrical work; peering into dead consumer units in cellars, etc. I have to say though that I am beginning to suspect that I need something brighter; seems to be dimmer after about 10 days with it on and off all day.


The Alpkit gamma looks a bit complicated; three straps and a wire round the side for the battery pack is probably something more likely to break.

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I've got the Petzl Tikka plus that I use for electrical work; peering into dead consumer units in cellars, etc. I have to say though that I am beginning to suspect that I need something brighter; seems to be dimmer after about 10 days with it on and off all day.


Get a decent set of rechargeables for it then. These won't take long to pay for themselves.



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I'll also recommend the Petzl Tikka, although the build quality of the first ones was absolutely atrocious in respect to its price. The LEDs were pushed into a plastic frame and their leads wedged in place with the "switch" being a bit of springy metal pressing on the resistor lead causing flicker issues. Not well made at all and many of the cheap lookalikes are actually better quality! The newer push-button type is better.

Note that when using with a rechargeable battery the LEDs will be dimmer than with a fresh set of alkalines, but it's not a big issue.


Choice of LED headlight actually depends on the ration of close to distance work you do, but for general use in theatre type environments the lightness of the Tikka style lights makes them hard to beat.

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If anyone lives near a "Trago Mills" in the SW the range of head torches is remarkable. Some makes are "unknown" but are really cheap. Some run off watch cells and some off AAAs. Some are shower proof. I have bought a fair few over the years simply because they were cheapo, ** laughs out loud **. They all still work and it is comforting to know that I have headtorches in the tool boxes and "manbag" and the yellow jacket and there is one in the glove box.


It's almost cheaper to buy a new torch than the batteries.

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The Alpkit gamma looks a bit complicated; three straps and a wire round the side for the battery pack is probably something more likely to break.

The top strap isn't really needed, as with Petzl's Myo XP you can just take it off. Integrated battery vs battery box on the back is one of those horses/courses questions.

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