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Suggestions for PAR lighting colour scheme


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I play in a ceilidh band Link and we normally use 3 or 5 NJD spectres at gigs with which I use a foot controller. We have a bigish event coming up in a couple of weeks and we will be using 12X 500W PAR 64's (medium beam) hanging from trussing at about 4mtrs high and 8X PAR 56 (also medium beam) at the back on stands (spectres won't work on a generator but that's another story). This will be controlled from a Jester 12/24 desk. There are 5 musicians on the front of stage and a drummer at the back. I was thinking of using of aiming 2 of the front PARs at the drums and 2 lamps per musician. The rear PARs pointing forward for effect/chases.


The setup must be simple as I will probably need to control it myself as well as playing guitar (and controlling sound). I don't want the stage to look tacky by using lots of different colours but classy - maybe using turquoise,purple or other non-primary coloured gels.


I am technically competent (I think) but have no artistic flair whatsoever. I would therefore welcome some advice on colour schemes and operation given the above set of parameters.


Thanks in anticipation,



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A quick look suggests that is a lorra lorra front light for a band.


Think about just using 1 PAR per player to fill in faces and fingers: straight on front light and then getting everything else around and behind the 180 degree line. Backlight beams and colours, also hitting players and some more side positions such as cross light for the drum kit or along the DS line.


Given a choice of PAR64s and PAR56s, I'd always choose the brightest for back light / beams to punch through haze (you got haze, right?)


The key to getting a really good band look is knowing that front light is your least useful position so not to waste too many lanterns out there. If you were really bold and with a bit more experience, you could dispense with a front truss all together and just use cross lighting for visibility. In fact, do you have the option to have the truss upstage (or is it fixed)? Given total control over positions, I'd go for a back truss and stands at the sides in line with the front line, or just DS of them.


I know, I didn't really answer the colours question. There are some ideas for gel colours at On Stage Lighting. Search Google for "Band Lighting Gels".

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Thanks Rob, you have certainly given me something to think about. For this particular event I need to use the trussing up front as I need to fly some front fills for the sound. I have a fog machine but not a hazer (which I am considering buying) . The venue is a cattle market so a huge barn with lots of ventilation. I don't think haze will hang in the air for long.


I will certainly give some thought to how I can put more light at the back. I need to assess my cabling, dimmer locations and stand positions to hopefully move towards your suggestions


Any further opinions would be gratefully received..

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Just enough front light to see the faces -colours -maybe tints not greens. prob run at 70% so that you can highlight soloists by pushing their light to 100%. Lots of backlight to separate the players from the background -rimlight to highlight the head/hair and shoulders, strong colours!
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Nearly there!


Id suggest putting 6 of your 56's up on the front truss - using the 6th as a bit of extra wallop on the main vox.


Use the 2 remaining 56's either as some DS Xlight for the front vocals OR as floor cans either side of the drummer.


And then finally, use all the 64's as backlight.


I agree not to simply use primary colours. Its nice enough when each 'wash' is on - but as soon as you add them all togther you will end up with white or some other horrible tones. Have an experiment with subtractive colour mixing and see what nice blends you can come up with using pairs of colours.

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Right chaps, I think I'm getting the idea.


How about if I go for 8 PAR 56s on the front truss. 5 white or tinted, one on each musician (any gel suggestions welcome), one additional white on the caller (centre position), with 2 pointing rearward to the drums (colour tbc). I will mount 12X PAR 64s on 2 T bars at the back and use orange magenta and blue as Brian suggests, maybe 2 colours directed at the back of each musician (10 cans) and 2 of a different colour on the drums (they are digital so no shiny bits). I am limited to this formation as I will have 2X 4 channel dimmers on the truss and 12 ch rack mounted dimmers at the back. I have ordered a haze machine which should arrive wednesday. I have some 019 (fire) and 085 (deeper blue) gels. Are these ok for the WOMB scheme? I will need to buy some magenta (dark or light? a colour no. would be appreciated).


If I'm way off track please let me know. Also any other schemes suggested will be gratefully appreciated.

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