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'explode' on demand vase & statue

Cliff Rogers

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I need a vase & then a statue to 'explode' on demand as if they were hit by a bullet.


Obviously we can't use explosives in front of a live audience in an 80 year old wooden theatre.


I am thinking of a solenoid actuator like something out of a pinball machine mounted inside a 'fragile' prop that will shatter/break at the press of a button.


Anybody got any good ideas?


I have the electronics know how, I just need to find the right solenoid actuator device.

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I did some playing with solenoids for a recent project of ours, and found some beefy 24V ones that we used for drop devices, using a solenoid and a snap shackle to release umbrellas to be dropped on cue. They were pretty strong - we ended up running them from a capacitor discharge power supply (like you would use in model railways) to fire them as we were firing them in groups of 4-8, but firing them singly you may be able to get away with a reasonable PSU. We used a Milford Instruments DMX relay box to fire them.


How you'd manipulate that movement into breaking a vase I'm not sure, but it gave a pretty strong pull when used with the capacitor, so the design may be able to release something spring loaded etc.

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How you'd manipulate that movement into breaking a vase I'm not sure, but it gave a pretty strong pull when used with the capacitor, so the design may be able to release something spring loaded

use a "push" solenoid instead of a "pull" one

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Obviously we can't use explosives in front of a live audience in an 80 year old wooden theatre.

Not necessarily true.

IF you have, (or can get a hold of), an experienced pyrotechnician, there are certainly pyro effects that will simulate this effect for you.


That said, I will stress that these are one area of pyro that will need even more careful planning than a simple flashpot or gerb, so an experienced tech will be needed.

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I need a vase & then a statue to 'explode' on demand as if they were hit by a bullet.


Obviously we can't use explosives in front of a live audience in an 80 year old wooden theatre.


I am thinking of a solenoid actuator like something out of a pinball machine mounted inside a 'fragile' prop that will shatter/break at the press of a button.


Anybody got any good ideas?


I have the electronics know how, I just need to find the right solenoid actuator device.


Break completely? Because one of the old tricks is a plastic tube filled with a very small amount of powder (running through the object) and concealed at the surface. On cue (you blow some air down the tube) it causes a hole to appear (as it blows off the covering) and little puff of dust. Looks like a very convincing bullet hit.

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If your props are near a wall, you can mount the breaking device in that, which will make any repetition easier to achieve, perhaps. A production of "Deathtrap" here some years ago simulated a bullet hit on a wall-mounted china plate by having some sort of bow-like elastic contraption behind the set that fired a connected rod down a tube mounted on the back of a flat behind the plate. You pulled the elastic back, and let go on cue; the bolt shot down the tube, struck the plate with enough force to break it and was pulled back up the tube by the same elastic that propelled it, leaving no visible clue as to how the effect was done. Nowadays, of course, electrickery replaces elastic, and as themadhippy says, a chunky-enough "push" solenoid will do the same thing.
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Some good ideas here.


The theatre is old & wooden & riddled with smoke detectors, if we set off anything pyrotechnic, the smoke alarms would smell it.

We are also an amateur theatre so we want/need to be DIY.


I have had a little bit to do with pneumatic control & that is a possibility but the air line, actuators & controllers may be a bit expensive.


I reckon if I go to supercheap auto & buy an aftermarket central locking system & have a bit of a play I'll work something out.

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Rat traps are very effective for this kind of thing and a lot cheaper than a solenoid solution. They can be mounted on/into almost any set piece and the spring held in place with a simple pin on a string between two eye screws. Pull the pin and voila, instant breakage.
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Thanks, I have rat traps on my 'possible' list too.


I've picked up a set of 4 central door lock activators for $50AUD, I'll have a play with them.


I have ordered an 8 channel DMX relay board worth $120AUD so I can control it all from my lighting desk.


I like the idea of including a bit of talc for a more visible 'explosion'.

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