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15a To 13a Adaptor


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Hi all,


I've got an upcoming Drama GCSE exam soon, and am in need of:


Quite frankly, Stage electrics are a rip off at that price. Usedlighting have them for £4 each, but are closed until 3rd of May. And I need them sooner.


Does anyone know where I could get some, or do CPC do them?





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It's not that expensive. You would pay at least a couple of quid for rubber plugs, more for sockets, plus another couple of quids worth of cable if you buy by the reel at current prices. Lets say £7 minimum for the bits, plus assembly and test time! Or do you expect them to build them for nothing? The killer of course is the contribution to HMRC!
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10 out of 10 are much cheaper, but I doubt they are open before next Tuesday either.


To be frank, Drama GCSE involves planning ahead and the fact that most companies will have a four day holiday this weekend should have been taken into account.

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10 out of 10 are much cheaper, but I doubt they are open before next Tuesday either.


To be frank, Drama GCSE involves planning ahead and the fact that most companies will have a four day holiday this weekend should have been taken into account.


I've been planning don't worry. I'm just trying to be more efficient on cable.

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My initial thoughts are that your school should in fact be responsible for supplying the necessary for you to complete your exam, should they not?


I'm assuming perhaps that you have some kit that is on 13A plugs that maybe you own, and want to use for the exam, however - is that correct?

If so, is it all squared with the school that these are used for said exam? I have a notion that you should normally use what is in-house, rather than extras (though of course I may be wrong).



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You'll be pushed to get any purchases from anyone now before the 3rd of May...


Where are you based, someone might have some you can pick up for a week for the sake of a box of choc or a few tins of beer.


Based In Cambridge, I'll ask around.


My initial thoughts are that your school should in fact be responsible for supplying the necessary for you to complete your exam, should they not?


I'm assuming perhaps that you have some kit that is on 13A plugs that maybe you own, and want to use for the exam, however - is that correct?

If so, is it all squared with the school that these are used for said exam? I have a notion that you should normally use what is in-house, rather than extras (though of course I may be wrong).




They should be, but the Drama Dep have no more money, :rolleyes:


That is correct, wanting to use some of my own stuff to enhance the piece, it's all squared and have confirmed it with head of tech with appropriate testing.




It's not that expensive. You would pay at least a couple of quid for rubber plugs, more for sockets, plus another couple of quids worth of cable if you buy by the reel at current prices. Lets say £7 minimum for the bits, plus assembly and test time! Or do you expect them to build them for nothing? The killer of course is the contribution to HMRC!


Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's just a situation with the budget at this time, I'll speak to them and see what can be done.

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Funny old drama department who don't even have the basics like this laying around.


I presume you have something with a 13A plug on it that you need to dim? Would it not be cheaper to buy 4 15A plugs and just put those on, then put the 13A ones back on? Or are they moulded ones?

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Paul, A lot of drama depts in schools use the IWB lines to put non dim stuff through to the side of stage (or wherever the hard power is located), for stuff like projectors, mirrorballs,smoke/haze machines etc. Risky I know, with the possibility of the line being run through the dimmer, but its a solution for them.
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The fact that the OP wants 13-15 adaptors says to me that he's got a hard patch down at the dimmer end and he's just trying to use the wiring in the IWB's and building to get hard power up to said items... If thats the case then it might be easier to ask around to see if anyones got any long reels of 13A extensions lying about that you could borrow. It's messier and more time consuming but it might be your only option...


Perhaps you could expand on what you want to do and we could offer alternative suggestions?



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