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Victorian Footlights


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Perhaps more of a set/props question actually, so mods please feel free to move.


I am looking for some Victorian style footlight surrounds to go on the front edge of the stage for an upcoming show. I have seen the sort of thing I am looking for at a venue before - they are lightweight plastic or metal and sit around a standard bayonet fitting , looking somewhat like a shell.


I'm not really intending to light any scenes using them - in fact I will probably use quite low wattage lamps on purpose - it's more for set dressing. Trouble is I can't seem to find a source for them anywhere. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?


Many thanks!

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Christopher Wray used to do scallop shell style fitting sthat I've used as footlight covers before. From memory they did two sizes, the larger of which could be used to hide a Birdy and transformer.


I'm not sure if they still do them, but it might be worth checking.



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Thanks for pointing me in the right direction - I was unable to find the posts for some reason. I think we will go with the vac-form ones from Peter Evans Studios for cost and simplicity.


Thanks again! :)

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