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Sennheiser Presentation series Radio Mic


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I have installed a Tie Clip version in a Church and am concerned that there is a loudish thump through the PA when it is switched off. There is also a bit of noise as it swicthes on and locks up, I suspect this is normal. The system is a simple mixer amp in a cupboard and not operated so mics channels permanently open. Not ideal I know but common practice in many installations of this type.


Anyone know if this is the norm or have I got a faulty one?


Not had this problem using Trantecs before, though they were the older VHF ones.


Looks to me as though the Sennheiser is a rebadged Tranted 4.4 or vice versa anyone know if this is the case.


Anyone know if the Trantec 4.4 switches on and off quietly.

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Exactly which model are you using, the Freeport or one of the 100/300 series? Sennheiser classes anything with a beltpack as 'Presentation'.


Most of the Sennheiser wireless kit has a Pilot Tone function which I find makes a big difference removing pops, bangs and interference but this feature is not available on the Freeport series. What you can adjust on this series though is the Squelch setting which should be set as low as possible for best performance but you can turn it up to help remove interference problems.


BR note as this is my 300th post: I have always had my own mug but I still get work experience to make the tea ;) .

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It's the norm on the Freeports. There's no mute circuitry. I would suspect that the Trantec does the same as it's the same product.


Is that from personal experience?


When you say there is not mute circuitry are you referring to the absence of mute switch or lack of circuitry to allow the TX to switch off without a thump?


I failed to mention I am using a handheld Freeport in the same way. The switch off noise from the handheld is much less. The thump I am experiencing on the tie clip is way way too much for a church where the mic maybe switched off during the service and I am probably going to have to replace it at my expense.


I have used the Trantec 2000 and S3500s (VHF and no separate mute switch) on many occasions in the past in a similar way without problem.


Does anyone know from personal experience whether the Trantec 4.4 does the same? If anyone had a tie clip or headband version in a cupboard they could fire up and check I would appreciate it, it may be I have a faulty unit and that whilst there is some noise what I am experiencing is excessive.


It is shame if it is the design because so often in simple installations the mic input is not or cannot be muted before the TX is powered down.

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My Trantec 4000 & 4.1 switch on and off silently.


The 4.4 which is also sold as the Sennheiser Freeport doesn't - a different product in a different price range.


For what it's worth the 'thump' isn't really that bad, but in a quiet place in uncontrolled situations, it's annoying enough to be a distracting feature.


There again, they're half the price of the others.

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We debated the merits of mute switches in another thread. The OP's scenario is exactly the type of situation I used to sell the lower cost Trantecs into, and the lack of a mute switch (so that there was a "thump" from using the on-off switch) was another reason for moving to a different brand of radio mic.



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The problem with lapel radio mics is that the gain on the mixer has to be turned up higher than when used with an handheld mic and so noise/interference issues are easily heard.


Can you do a work around by setting the transmitter gain to maximum and then turn down the mixer/amplifier?


It may work better.



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The problem with lapel radio mics is that the gain on the mixer has to be turned up higher than when used with an handheld mic and so noise/interference issues are easily heard.


Is this really the case? you will find that with lapel capsule sensitivities are different by each manufacturer therefore you wouldn't ramp the output gain on the mixer causing a huge problem with noise floors! therefore the sensitivity should be changed dependant on the capsule, some are livelier that others for example a countryman and a senny basic is definitely not going to have the same sort of sensitivity, not that this has anything to do with the problem in hand.


I take you do not have a board "operator" why dont you try muting it at the desk before turning it off ;)

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Rather than write off the unit why not try making an in-line Mic Mute switch, never tried it myself on a lav mic , but in theory at least should be possible? Has anyone else ever tried this ? I have only ever made in-line mutes for desk top microphones.
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