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Hog iPC


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Just trawling around the net today and found this. Am I being terribly slow and have you all seen this before, or is this the Hog 2.5 we've been looking for...? Did it come out at Plasa? Should I just get with the goddam programme?



(User of a rather tempramental Hog 2 and with a tech department anxious to replace the bloody thing but not willing to splash out on a Hog 3...)

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Yes, Hog iPC seems to be what Flying Pigs/High End were promising as Hog 2.5 It's basically a PC, in a fancy box, running Hog3PC, with two touch screens. The front pannel has some, but not all, of the Hog3 buttons/faders. The price isn't that far off of a Hog3, and IIRC from PLASA, it is fixed at 4 universes out (no ethernet).
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Yes, Hog iPC seems to be what Flying Pigs/High End were promising as Hog 2.5  It's basically a PC, in a fancy box, running Hog3PC, with two touch screens.  The front pannel has some, but not all, of the Hog3 buttons/faders.  The price isn't that far off of a Hog3, and IIRC from PLASA, it is fixed at 4 universes out (no ethernet).

Not quite true - price-wise, it's going to be a LONG way from the Hog3 (somewhere around the £10k mark, I believe). It's effectively a Hog3 PC system, but with both wings and a Super Widget built into a nice blue case along with a PC to make the software go, and with a couple of 12" touchscreens included in the package.


Apparently it's going to hit the streets sometime early in the new year, but I guess they've got quite a bit of work to do on the software yet - I managed to crash it within 30 seconds at PLASA, and the "list of things not to try because they'll make it fall over" contained one or two pretty fundamental functions .....


Interesting to note that it will also run the Hog2 PC software, and can be set up as a kind of "dual boot" console so that you can work in either Hog2 or Hog3 mode as the mood takes you.


Oh, and I seem to recall someone mentioning that you could expand on the 4 on-board DMX outputs by plugging a widget or super-widget into the console's USB ports. Might have been imagining this, though .... ;) (Edit : ah, just read Martin's reply ... it's nice to know that on this occasion my memory actually bears some relation to reality! :D)

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