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How to Create UV Light Effect


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Just wondering if there is a gel to create a UV light effect, where white shirts etc will glow when all lighting is set to blackout and the UV will be activiated. Like the cheap bulbs you can get and flourescent slips but a specific gel that will work.


I've got a production coming up soon, so I might be active on here a fair bit.




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Guest lightnix
Congo can work OK in front of a discharge source of a daylight colour, e.g. an HMI follow spot. Blue LED light causes fluorescent materials to glow. Maybe you could use 181 to paint the stage in a UV colour and beef it up with some blue LEDs at a low level :P
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Worth noting though that you will see more under a congo blue wash than under true UV, i.e. if you are aiming to achieve the magical floating prop or puppet, or disembodied hands etc then there is no real replacement for Ultra Violet.
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I find congo blue in a 5k fresnel burns out too quickly so prefer Frank Wood('s) glass in the gel runners: it just keeps on going.



Shhh. Frank Wood might hear.

Were ok,its like beetle juice,or ftoomsch ,it has to be said 3 times before he make an appearance

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Shhh. Frank Wood might hear.

Were ok,its like beetle juice,or ftoomsch ,it has to be said 3 times before he make an appearance


I hear that if yopu keep a piece of Lee181 in your pocket it helps protect you from... :)

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Guest lightnix
Shhh. Frank Wood might hear.

I have still to meet the legendary (or should that be mythical?) Mr. Wood, either OTI or IRL.


IMO I he never really existed and was just somebody's sockpuppet :unsure:


Maybe there's some kind of Godwin's Law at work here: As any discussion about creating a UV effect grows in length, the probability of Frank Wood being mentioned tends towards 1 :unsure:

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Shhh. Frank Wood might hear.

I have still to meet the legendary (or should that be mythical?) Mr. Wood, either OTI or IRL.


IMO I he never really existed and was just somebody's sockpuppet :unsure:


Ah, but Frank most certainly DOES exist.

I haven't been on to the Stagecraft mailing list for some time now, but I'm sure he's as active as ever over there.

I've not met him in person myself, either, despite several invitations from the man to come visit 'his' theatre down in Londinium (of which the name escapes me for now...), but have seen many MANY discussions (and been involved in a few) on the list over the years.

(Seen some photos of him as well, somewhere...)

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