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I was thinking that an optional cross-fade feature would be really nice. Consecutive or looping tracks

could then be smoothly merged by x-fading, eliminating those dead seconds in between tracks.

What about if an Advance Action of EP (End Play) actually fired at the start of the fade (instead of the cue end), when the End Fade was enabled for an audio cue?


That would start the next cue which could have a Fade-In set. This would achieve the cross-fade you require.

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I was thinking that an optional cross-fade feature would be really nice. Consecutive or looping tracks

could then be smoothly merged by x-fading, eliminating those dead seconds in between tracks.

What about if an Advance Action of EP (End Play) actually fired at the start of the fade (instead of the cue end), when the End Fade was enabled for an audio cue?


That would start the next cue which could have a Fade-In set. This would achieve the cross-fade you require.

Yep, that sounds (...) right.


You will need to name this Advance Action differently though, to differentiate it from the regular EP (FP maybe...?)

Thinking about it some more, maybe also FA (advancing at the beginning of the fade) may be usable in some situations?


Will this (FP…) also affect looping tracks?






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I tried this last night by temporarily moving the end action to the start of the fade. The result (cross-fade) was a bit ordinary to be honest, but I think once I improve the fade curve (in due course), it may do the trick.


The new FA & FP designators for Advance Action sound right.


I only tried the new function when the fade was started as a result of the End Fade activating, not when the Fade Out menu item was clicked, so looping tracks would not have been affected.

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I added the two new Advance Actions (Fade Advance and Fade Play) properly to MultiPlay this morning.


They seem to work as expected when the cue performs a fade as a result of the Fade Out and End Fade being set.


I guess they also need to be able to activate when the cue is faded as a result of a Fade Cue command?


Obviously performing a Fade All should not activate the new functions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MultiPlay's new Launch cue type is pretty simple and behaves much the same as a standard Windows Shortcut.


Command is the equivalent of the "Target" in a shortcut. Use the folder button to choose the exe (or batch, document, etc) file you want to launch.


Parameters (optional) is where you type in any command line options. I will change this edit box to enable browsing for a file instead.


Initial Directory (optional) is the equivalent of the "Start In" in a shortcut. This probably won't be used in most applications.


As an example, you may want to launch the Windows PowerPoint Viewer, with a specific presentation and no splash screen.


Command would be something like: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\PPTVIEW.EXE


Parameters could be /S "M:\Sample - Closing The Deal.ppt"

In the above, the /S means no splash screen, while the part in quotes is the location of the file to open.


I got the list of available command line switches (options) for PPT Viewer example here.


Hope that helps get you started. I'll add this info and some other examples to the help file soon.

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Since I keep getting asked about it, I'm in the process of adding MIDI triggering to MultiPlay.


Now, would you like to use MIDI to trigger individual cues or functions such as GO, or both?


Remember, this is straight MIDI notes, not MSC, so only 127 different triggers are available if I simply use Note On messages.

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OK, it sounds like I'd be best off adding MIDI to the existing triggers in Production Preferences then.

+1, But not instead of triggering of individual ques (as in the que properties window)


Would you need any combination of Status, Note and Velocity, or just Note and Velocity with Status fixed as Note On?

I think as it's going to be mostly que triggering (for me at least), simple Note On's will do.



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The trigger management for individual cues and functions (GO, Stop All, etc) is somewhat separate, but interwoven. Confusing eh? ** laughs out loud **.


Adding MIDI triggering will be a fair bit of work. If it's required in both areas, then so be it. If it's only required for functions (not individual cues), then I rather not waste time on something people don't use.

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Rather than map individual cues, why not map functions (for show control) and then map the hotkey grid thing (for firing audio in a sampler fashion).


What situation would need you to fire a cue individually that couldn't be sorted with the hotkey grid thing?

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