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AVD Multiplay


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Hi, I hope this is the correct place to post - I believe this falls under 'sound'.


I use Multiplay for our sound cues and it seems to work pretty well. However, the laptop I am using has quite a fiddly keyboard. So my plan was to get a cheapo usb keyboard and solder buttons to the connectors for the space bar (go), escape key (stop) and hopefully a fade button. I was just wondering if anyone knows if there's a key which can be set for the fade button. Or if there is an easier way to make an external control device? (the laptop doesn't have a serial port)



Any help would be appreciated.

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I use a numpad similar to the one linked to, but mine has a trackball on it as well.


I have assigned, enter=play, esc=stop, backspace=fade.


I have toyed with the idea of removing the rest of the buttons, and making a plastic gard to go over the space, so it would have only the keys I use/need.

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