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2012 London Olympics

the kid

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I did hear a rumour that crew were a bit hard to find for this one.


I don't think so - My sources at VL tell me there were no shortage of willing victims to spend 2 months in Greece...


Aparently there's 100 V*L crew, plus a load of Americans and a German lot handling Macs.

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Guest lightnix
I would do it just to see the event!

No disrespect, Sam, but if that's the case you have a lot to learn about the business, not least that there is little, if any room for spectators on the crew these days. Also that people who work on shows do so to make a living, which can be difficult enough as it is, without having a bunch of starry-eyed newcomers and part-timers just doing it for the craic. Doing something just to see the event won't put money in your pocket, food in your belly, petrol in your car or a roof over your head. Try to bear that in mind if you are thinking of working in the business full-time.


I did hear a rumour that crew were a bit hard to find for this one.

I don't think so - My sources at VL tell me there were no shortage of willing victims to spend 2 months in Greece...

OK, fair enough, it was only a rumour after all.


from what I saw of the lazers it appered to be several lazers from different angles firing into smoke, where the lazers crossed, smoke gowed very bright, where they didn't, there was still the beam throught the smoke, but not as noticable.


if that makes sense: well done!



It makes a lot of sense, there have been stories about such systems being used to create 3D displays for quite a while now. I didn't realise they were so advanced or available on such a large scale, though. Do you know if it was an off-the-shelf system, or custom designed for the event ?

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Just for those guys who didn't see it, here are some photomagraphs...




the stadium... nice pink!




The rings burnin on the water




man running on spinning cube




Flyin man/woman








Laser DNA Helix




Structure that broke up into floaty bits




The Rings again




The DNA from a distance




Sorry for my ignorance in the captions, can't remember the names for some of the stuf!

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My brothers actually working out there at the moment along with Piers off this board. I no they've been out there work on the design team for the show set, etc for a year or so and I no the hours the last 2 months have been very long. Thats due to the fact they were around a month late getting in the stadium to start setting up and rehersing, thisis because the construction was so far behing.


I no Jack Morton got people from all over the world I think the quality of hire compaines etc isn't as great over there, hence why they got crew from various parts of the world but altho there a UK production I think they weren't biased towards other UK companies and just got the best people for the job.


I wouldnt be suprised if the lasers were somewhat custom made for the show.


To be honest I don't no to much as its all very hush hush till it happens as far as im aware they are getting ready for the closing cermony now then there out there sometime afta loading out it all.

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I dont see theres anything wrong with doing something for free, as long as it is maybe a larger gig than you have done before ro someting youve always wanted to do, as long as you do a fair bit of paid work aswell


I do stuff for the experience etc, not the money so much, im not a mercenary


at the moment im on optional tips

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I dont see theres anything wrong with doing something for free, as long as it is maybe a larger gig than you have done before ro someting youve always wanted to do, as long as you do a fair bit of paid work aswell


People who offer to work on larger gigs for free, "just for the experience", are f*cking it up for the people who would normally be paid for doing the work that is now being done for free. The management will see an offer of free labour and think to themselves "we'll have some of that" - possibly not appreciating that the reason it's free is that the person supplying it probably doesn't have sufficient skills or experience to be able to charge for it.


There's a phrase which has been frowned upon elsewhere on this site recently, but which applies just as much to manpower as it does to equipment - you get what you pay for.

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you get what you pay for.



a friend of mine now works for a sound/light/stage hire company and seems to have an ability to recrute crew on a 'first gig for free' basis.


it half works...


Hmm. I can see how this might work - a first (small) job done for free, on the understanding that it's primarily a kind of "audition" or trial and that further paid work will follow in abundance.


I can also see it falling down, however, if the company concerned gets someone in for one job on a "first job for free" basis, with the implication that further jobs will be paid at the going rate, but those further jobs then fail to materialise as the "first job" was of the kind of scale which the company concerned doesn't do very often and for which they simply needed a couple of extra bodies on a one-off basis.


While this kind of approach might work for some, I can perhaps envisage it throwing up far more problems than solutions.

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No disrespect, Sam, but if that's the case you have a lot to learn about the business, not least that there is little, if any room for spectators on the crew these days. Also that people who work on shows do so to make a living, which can be difficult enough as it is, without having a bunch of starry-eyed newcomers and part-timers just doing it for the craic. Doing something just to see the event won't put money in your pocket, food in your belly, petrol in your car or a roof over your head. Try to bear that in mind if you are thinking of working in the business full-time.


To be honest I dont think they would entrust a 'voulenter' with much resposibility, I should imagine they would be doing more mundane jobs like sorting people into order backstage and clearing etc. As far as I know the voulenteers were just anybody who wanted to help rather than only people with production experiance!!



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My boss runs a pa hire company and the way he works (at least for me) follows.

I met him at my old school a couple years ago and said "if you ever need anyone for work experience call me" and he said that he believes everyones time is worth something so it *would* be paid work. My first couple jobs he didnt tell me how much he paid per day, for the reason he wanted to see what I could do, and wether I was in it for the money or not. He still paid me though. I am still with him and so yeah, I guess it must have worked...



My $0.02



EDIT> Okay guys sorry this is OT ...

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Guest lightnix
(p.s. methought this thread was about the olympics?)

Yes it was, wasn't it. Probably my fault - sorry :(

Rather than drag the thread even further away from its origin, have a look at the following threads for in depth discussions on crew pay...


Too much work?

Daily Rates


If any moderator wants to split this (Olympics) topic into two, then I'll get another little rant together :P Otherwise I'll leave it until next time.

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