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Voice recognition to follow script?


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Does anyone know of any software that could take an input from a desk and follow a script - sort of a virtual assistant.




Sorry but to follow a performed script is far from current Voice recognition technology is capable of.

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I'd love that.


I almost always have my script on-screen and scroll through it using cursor arrow keys, but a script that scrolled itself would absolutely rock.


Except when the cast do a line-jump. But hey, whe it happenws one get to play hunt-where-we-are now, so maybe the automated thing could do it better, find where you've jumped to and hilight what has been missed.


Yep, I want one.

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I've got a 1 week panto coming up with 13 radio mics, 26 music tracks and loads of sfx, I work on my own and need to follow the script to cue the playback and try not to miss the cast entrance lines, thats why it seemed like a good idea, I appreciate the technology isn't there yet, but I see this as a natural extension to show control systems




ps the company doesn't have a stage manager to call the show

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I can see possible applications but WHY.


I believe and someone might be able to correct me if wrong but you can get autocues that "listen" and will follow words.


I assume you could then link words with a controller of some form so make cues on a digi desk.

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Sorry - and feel free to call me a dinosaur - but I really cannot see any feasible reliable use for such a thing. There are just too many variables such as performers at the minimum missing or adding words to the lines as wot they were wrote (© Ernie Wise) to at worst an actor completely ad-libbing - rife in comedy/panto shows or indeed if a performer loses their own place and makes up something in an effort to get back on track.


Add in interference from music tracks/bands etc and audience reactions (which can vary drastically from show to show) and I honestly can't see anything like this ever working.


And frankly I don't believe I'd want it to. Even using it to auto-roll a script removes another layer of human interaction with the show.

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Another dinosaur here--and even if I wanted such a system I, too, am sceptical that it could work with all the ad libbing that goes on in a typical panto.


However, I have to say that, after a few rehearsals, I generally know the show well enough that the script is just there as an aide memoire--I'm more likely to use it to flip ahead a page or two to check the NEXT cue than to read it slavishly when actually doing a cue. Working this way would sort of negate the "auto follow" anyway.



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If you have a DSM with nothing else to do apart from follow the script (unlikely) then you COULD take the middle ground - have them follow the script on the computer by scrolling down. Then split the VGA output to whoever wants it. Then everyone gets a feed of the current page. Then it's up to one person, who knows the show well, to follow and decide where to go if (when) an actor screws up.

However, I don't see a real advantage. I too jump ahead in the script to find my next cue frequently, then perhaps move forward half a page and pick a line or selection of lines during which I need to "wake up" and prepare for the cue. To not be able to scroll ahead would be a real pain, and if your DSM looses their place, the entire show goes to pieces, rather than one department.

Stick to a paper script, highlighter pens and postit notes!

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One of the auto cue systems on the Market can auto track the script useing voice reconition


Presumably this is targeting TV studios though, where a well spoken presenter will clearly read word for word what's on the script in a quiet environment.

That I could believe. In a theatre environment though, I can't see any automated solution working well.

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