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A little fun for a change


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I found this little gem from German rockers Rammstein. Which was really an eye-opener!




How do you even start to risk asses a job like this?


(1min 15 secs into the video is where it gets 'interesting')


Would really be interested to hear comments on this one.


Gerbs for drumsticks :unsure:

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What the...??? :unsure: ;) :oops:


Well, as a compilation it probably looked a LOT worse than it was - I'd say the sum total of effects were spread across a whole concert, though I'm sure there ere many that were concentrated in short numbers...


With such a huge audience, and with so many pyros getting VERY close to both them and the performers I'd have to say that the pyro designers there were either extremely clever or extremely dumb! Not sure which at the moment, but as you say, I'd LOVE to see the RA on this gig...!

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Nice pyro shame about the song


Many years ago I was doing a band night at a village hall when I noticed one of the bands fiddling about with some festoon on the front edge of the stage which was about a metre high. The audience were leaning on it, putting their beer glasses on the stage etc (We are talking late 70's here)


On closer inspection they had put fuse wire between the pins (it was a BC festoon) and were now filling the fittings with gunpowder culled from various fireworks. They were going to have someone offstage switch it on at a suitable moment to open their set.


Needless to say I soon put a stop to that!



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So they set fire to stuff, including themselves,and smash up a few instruments.Nothing new there then,Arthur Brown,Jimmy Hendrix,The Who, to name but a few were doing that before some of ya were even born. Wouldn't mind a pair of those sparking boots though
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I saw them at Brixton Academy a couple or 3 years ago, and they had the "rockets" to the balcony just in front of where we were sat.

Prior to the show it appeared the local Fire chief was there inspecting things, although that could have been one of their crew chiefs - I forget, was too amazing a show!


And the heat you can feel from a fair distance away too. Awesome stuffs!

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I remember a few years back that the band had to cancel a show at the London Astoria a couple of hours before the gig as Westminster council were a wee bit shakey about all the pyro (apparently :( ), I think that in the end the gig was rescheduled to Brixton Academy later in the year.



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