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The Wholigans


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Hi Guys


Anyone had The Wholigans through their venue this summer?


Struggling to get info from the event promoter on their tech requirements other than "5000 watts plus for monitors" :unsure:


Did they tour in their own sound?

Do they have their own Op?


Any info/advice/warnings hugely appreciated...........

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Thanks for that.


Strange to have no mention of whether they tour an op (you'd imagine an act operating globally would at least have a regular engineer in each territory), fx requirements or type of kit they will definitely turn their nose up at - it's the first rider I've seen in over 2 years without "No Peavey/Beghringer" in bold print!!

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As a rider, it's a waste of time. It doesn't spell out in any language what they need/expect. We might bring some of our own mics? Means what? Doesn't help you at all, does it. They have multiple amps. Quantity or different sounds? So how does the DI fit in. Generate far too many questions than it answers. That said, I wouldn't book them based on loud as the only requirement of the system. I reckon they're a pub band. I just suffered some of the videos, obviously true to 60s bands in that tuning seems a bit optional in places, and as cameras rarely suffer from the if it's loud, people won't notice phenomena, it sounds a total mess. They seem to have nice venues to play in, but they won't be getting an offer from my venue, based on what I've seen and heard.
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Have you tried the emails and phone numbers at the bottom of the pdf? Or are they just agent/promoter contacts?


I've just seen their "smashing" video taken at the Astoria in 2003 (part of a Who convention) on their website.....I hope they bring their own kit and treat it like that. A backline hire company is not going to be impressed unless they sign something to say that they will pay for all damage/large deposit. Ditto goes for other backline. Hopefully if they bring their own mics then yours won't get trashed.

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It would appear that the Wholigans are on the ball, though.

Dear Paulears

Re: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=36444

Having read that forum by chance it seems we have perturbed a few, sorry about that.


A shame we won’t be playing your venue

Quote “They seem to have nice venues to play in, but they won't be getting an offer from my venue”

Quote 2


“I reckon they're a pub band. I just suffered some of the videos”


Do come see us sometime down the “pub”  Tour Dates


Maybe …we’ll meet up after we play these ‘pubs’  in……


Canada….Toronto      Aug 13th………. 3000 seat venue


USA………Chicago        Aug 15th………. 30,000


USA……..Las Vegas    Aug 16-22nd……40,000 per night


UK  Aug 27th-                Sept 13th  assorted large pubs to theatres


China & Moscow        October


Previous dates


June 26th Virginia Beach ….10,000


June 27th New Port Richey Florida 25,0000


Contact Us







Feel free to copy and paste this to your wonderful forum. 


Barry Quinn (part time  Roger)


Not much I can say really. I'm sure they sound live much better than the samples, so I apologise for drawing conclusions from the material I've seen. Still, their tour itinary takes in some pleasant places, and I'm stuck here in the UK - so what do I know?

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It seems that Mr Quinn has plenty of time on his hands for trawling the web for any mention of the band's name, so perhaps a return email with a sample of a good quality technical rider might have some effect.
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Let's hope they also address some of your criticisms about the tech rider.


An input list, with required sources, processing, example qualities and specifications of mics and DIs would be a lot of use.


Why? It tells you what the band consists of. Presumably if they don't supply a channel list and preferred mics etc, then you're free to supply the kit you feel is acceptable for the gig. Presumably they don't have an engineer who will turn up on the day and moan about whatever you've provided. If they do, well then they should have sent a better rider!

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Let's hope they also address some of your criticisms about the tech rider.


An input list, with required sources, processing, example qualities and specifications of mics and DIs would be a lot of use.


Why? It tells you what the band consists of. Presumably if they don't supply a channel list and preferred mics etc, then you're free to supply the kit you feel is acceptable for the gig. Presumably they don't have an engineer who will turn up on the day and moan about whatever you've provided. If they do, well then they should have sent a better rider!


Er, (and all due respect to the band...), the rider is pretty useless as it doesn't give ANY detail about anything. How much of what's on the little diagram is what they are bringing, how much are they expecting venues to provide...?

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It's been a few years since I worked at a venue dealing with that sort of thing, but that would be typical of what we got from tribute bands. Some of them had to be chased for weeks to get any sort of spec at all.


For the sort of venues they seem to be playing I think they could afford to be a bit more picky about their requirements and have their own engineer, but on the other hand I suppose it's fair enough to expect the house engineer in a decent venue to select suitable gear and make it sound good?


They do say they provide their own mics for lead vocal. The couple of Who tributes we had in brought their own too. Good thing as our noise boys weren't going to let them abuse ours!

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They do say they provide their own mics for lead vocal. The couple of Who tributes we had in brought their own too. Good thing as our noise boys weren't going to let them abuse ours!

Well yes, here is Mr Daltrey experiencing a "Oops, the mic has gone off into the audience" moment:


The nice punters gave it back though!

:shaun: :unsure:

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