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Hi BR,

Flicked over to the Big Brother eviction night a few nights ago and noticed the sets of parcans rigged outside on towers.

It made me think... just how safe are parcans to use when they are rigged outside for months?

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Yes yes I know..... :P


But the parcans on BB are your normal par 64's. I've seen it done lots but just wondered really....

To be honest, I haven't watched BB. I've seen enough talentless wannabe no-hopers live on stage that I don't need to watch them on TV as well!!! :(


They could also be low voltage PAR64s, similar to pool lights, or sealed beam car headlights, but they could of course be your standard mains voltage lamps, but I wouldn't like to do the Risk Assessment if they were! :P

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Just to add that I have used standard lanterns in an outside environment with minimal problems before - As the other threads allude to, once the lantern is nice and hot, any rain evapourates long before it can collect to cause any problems.


The only difficult bit was occasionally powering up the rig from cold (and wet)....



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The pars on Big Brother are normal Par64s (I know this because I was on the crew that put them there). There is no problem with them. If they get wet they are glowed until dry, if the lamp goes pop a new one is put in. Why would you not like to "do the RA"? They are a very simple tool for a very simple job. Why does everything have to be turned into a stupid major H&S drama?
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I have fitted my PAR64 with Parsafes as my safety upgrade. I don't consider the new closed back ones safe as you have to open them up to focus and then there is only one layer on insulation.

As a user you need to be aware on moisture on them, but they are a very usefull light with good punch on saturated colours. Don't seem to have any problems with stepper motors either.

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The pars on Big Brother are normal Par64s (I know this because I was on the crew that put them there). There is no problem with them. If they get wet they are glowed until dry, if the lamp goes pop a new one is put in. Why would you not like to "do the RA"? They are a very simple tool for a very simple job. Why does everything have to be turned into a stupid major H&S drama?



Nods with a smile in Son of LX dad's direction!!! Well said!!


The reason why a Par64 is less likely to be a major problem outdoors is due to the space bewteen the terminals on the lamp holder - it is possible but remote for water/moisture to span the gap and therefore creating a short. The weakest part of the unit would be the connector, so if fitted with a 16A IP rated connector the chances of rain causing a problem are slight and therefore very easy to write in to the RA. We use IP67 rated Pars theses days but when we did use normal pars outdoor the 30mA trip would pop at the slightly moisture in the plugtop.


Obviously, a standard par is not designed for this purpose....... just thought I'd better put that on for the H&S crowd :))

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It wouldn't be creating a short that I would be worried about, as much as the fixture exposing live voltages to structures and supports. Is there any other outdoor application that has terminals that exposed? Does heat really excuse the leakage?
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..., as much as the fixture exposing live voltages to structures and supports. ...

How would it do that? The outer shell of a parcan is earthed.



Like many people on here I've worked on shows where water has literally been running through the parcans on stage.

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Like many people on here I've worked on shows where water has literally been running through the parcans on stage.


Indeed, The Method suggests that an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal provides a good downhill run to clear rainwater at a constant rate. Or at least I think what it said.... :-)


Oh, and a few bars of 6 provides an excellent guttering system for those sub standard outdoor stage coverings from companies who shall remain nameless.

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As others have said - no real problem with using kit like that outdoors.


I don't watch BB - in fact, I make a positive effort to not watch it! - so I don't know what the outdoor rig looks like these days. But I did some work on it back in the early days at Elstree, when Mike Lingard was the LD, and I can tell you that not only were there parcans on the outdoor towers back then, but there were Mac 500s and 600s too - to echo SoLXD, I know this because I was on the crew that put them there! Our sole concession to weatherproofing - wrapping them in binbags from Saturday to Thursday, between eviction shows! <_<

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