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New Stage Electrics Web Site


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Hiya All,


Not been on here for a while, new job has kept me somewhat busy to say the least!

Have you all noticed our new web site was launched the other day at http://www.stage-electrics.co.uk/

Please take a look over it and make any comments you feel relevant (keep them clean!) and I will try and feed them back into Stage Electrics.


Tara for now!

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I absolutely despised the previous site as it was clunky and slow.


The new site is refreshing and quick.


Although I don't like the menu complexity of having to go

Home, Hire, Lighting, Moving Lights, Moving Heads & Mirrors, Moving Lights & Moving Heads, Moving Head - Profiles - Discharge
Just to find a mac 250 entour.


I also dislike the fact that typing "mac250" into the search box only finds a mac250+ but "mac 250" with a space finds 3 results.



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I don't like the menu complexity


I agree!


Although the overall site is nice, the old drop down menus where a lot quicker and easier to navigate. The new design could quite easily accommodate drop down menus for at least the Hire and Sales sections.


Apart from that, a good look. Just need to get the last few product images in to replace the SLX placeholders.

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I don't agree about the drop down menus. They were just as bad as the rest of the website.


I like the way you can navigate around the site with the top level menus on the top and a hierarchy menu on the left.


Browsing around a bit more I have found that there are a couple of spelling mistakes including "fxturs" insteas of fixtures on the moving lights page.



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I like the initial look of the new website, although to be honest, I've just had a quick look.


My main issue is the prices you quote on the site, they need to be more focussed towards what you're customers get, and the discounts that are applied, so some form of log-in procedure needs to be created so you're regulars can get their real prices, rather than:


The Mac 250 Entour at £100 per day, or the Mac 550 at £165, all excluding VAT of course. ** laughs out loud ** :rolleyes:


I think this is the main issue here, as I for one, and I'm sure others will agree, that it would be really helpful if we could get an idea of the 'real' hire rates you charge on-line, then just a quick call to the office to confirm things.


I for one (and I am a customer, for both hire and sales) look at you're website prices and go straight to other companies, who quote a more realistic price. After all, it's easier and cheaper than you're published prices.


Look at the bigger picture. A lot of you're rates are unrealistic and opportunist, so someone looking at you're site for the first time would probably be put off.


Helping the competition (Gateshead) ........ :) What will I do next!


Accurate pricing is the key for me, so if I can get you're dry hire prices for whatever I need, at 3am over the Internet, then I'm a fan.


Until then I'll have to call the office, which then makes you're website totally insignificant, as I'll have to call the office anyway.

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Surely those of us who get discounts (which is not all of us - see also the "State Of The Industry" thread...) know what percentage it is and can do simple maths?


It would be a very bad idea for anyone to put the discounted prices on their website.

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Surely those of us who get discounts (which is not all of us - see also the "State Of The Industry" thread...) know what percentage it is and can do simple maths?


It would be a very bad idea for anyone to put the discounted prices on their website.



Did I not say 'Log in procedure' for customers in my post......


As far as the state of the industry goes, that doesn't really have anything to do with this topic. Remember:


Hiya All,


Not been on here for a while, new job has kept me somewhat busy to say the least!

Have you all noticed our new web site was launched the other day at http://www.stage-electrics.co.uk/

Please take a look over it and make any comments you feel relevant (keep them clean!) and I will try and feed them back into Stage Electrics.


Tara for now!


What actually is the state of the indistry? Sorry to be a sore patch, but my sales for 09, are 32.5% higher than 08 and I'm not even in the year yet.



Edit to remove strange characters..... :rolleyes:

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Did I not say 'Log in procedure' for customers in my post......


Yes, but why go to all that extra work when the maths is very simple?



What actually is the state of the indistry? Sorry to be a sore patch, but my sales for 09, are 32.5% higher than 08 and I'm not even in the year yet.


Well good for you. My point was that not everyone does (or should) get discounts, that's all.

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