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Outdoor Pars???


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I went to a Halloween Event the other night and they had hundreds of pars lighting the site (64's 56's and Birdies) I noticed that these looked liked normal pars but where out in the pouring rain :unsure: (it was raining very hard). however they did have 16A plugs. Would these have been IP rated pars or are Pars generally ok in the rain?





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Yer, Par 64 would evaporate the water. However I dont think the birdies or the 56's would. Also All the lighting is supplied and installed by a Lighting Company that specilise in event lighting. Worrying ** laughs out loud **.


I just thought there may be some waterproof par that look like normal ones. or a water proof lamp holder or something like that.



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I went to a Halloween Event the other night and they had hundreds of pars lighting the site (64's 56's and Birdies) I noticed that these looked liked normal pars but where out in the pouring rain ;) (it was raining very hard). however they did have 16A plugs. Would these have been IP rated pars or are Pars generally ok in the rain?






you will probably find that although they worked in the rain, its bad practice to say the least! no waterfroof par fittings dont look like normal pars, but dont forget freshwater is not a good conducter of electricity, and the heat probably evaporated much of the rain.but its a dodgy practice to say the least

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The Minack theatre on the Cornish cliffs use standard lanterns throughout. There are issues, but they've been doing this for years in a very exposed location. Far more problems with ADB PCs and fresnels than PARs!


I'm quite surprised at that. They advertise that they only cancel one or two shows a year in really extreme weather, so the kit really does take a hammering from the weather.

Must go see a show there sometime, it's just the thought of getting there and back that puts me off. Same county, but I'm a couple of miles from one end of it, they're a couple of miles from the other end, and Cornwall is surprisingly long!

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Had another Look tonight they are defiantly normal pars. I would not have thought they would hve used normal pars as it is done by a pro compay and the weather has been very bad over the last few days.


Yer they were 16A plugs


Thanks for the replies



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