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Promotional Movie


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Without wishing to get involved in a debate, I feel the need to correct you somewhat... if you're not a teacher, you're not in charge. It's not possible, legally, for students to be "in charge".


How's the video project going?



Yeah, pretty good. This terms pretty crazy at the moment, its just finding time for it,


The voice over script is done. and we're just drafting the storyboard.


Spoke to our video guy today, and suggested some dates for filming


Next thing to do is talk to the drama dept. About when they are taking the lights down and putting them up in the hall, so we can film that.


But we decided most of it is just going to be text.





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But we decided most of it is just going to be text.

Not sure that's such a good idea.

If the video is going to be mainly textual, then you could do that with powerpoint - your original idea struck me as a VERY good one, and as the adage goes, a picture speaks a thousand words...

Text over the video is great - as long as it means something valid, and it compliments the pictures you show.


Think again about the project - are there any shows that have been filmed in either space you could 'steal' short sections from? Maybe use some standard stills footage, or use manufacturers' images to show what you would like the school to invest in...


MAKE it as visual as you can, is my advice.

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I agree with YNOT make it as visual as possible. I've just been given a copy of film to promote our drama department that I think really works, PM me and I'll let you see a copy, unfortunately I don't want to put it in the public domain. Most of what we did was from archive videos and still photos set to music either from said videos, or some of the original composed music for the show. Overlay that with text supporting your case, and use freely available footage of shows using what you want.
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