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A good study in poor stage safety

Simon Lewis

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Our cousins at Live Audio Board have been discussing at some length a rather poorly constructed stage.


Here's the link...


I'm posting this because the photos (and the subsequent failure of the structure) provide an excellent overview of how not to do this job.


What I'm not encouraging is a repeat here of the lengthy " about this company" posts. We know better than to do that on Blue Room!

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Incredible to see so many things wrong with an outdoor temporary stage structure. Any one of the horrors in those pictures would be enough for me to be raising some serious concerns about the safety of the event, but for so many to be in place at one time, it truly is frightening.


Even to the untrained eye it must look unsafe.

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Seem to remember the "Average White Band" suffering one worse than that last year.


From memory, the AWB stage was a properly designed stage that was hit by ~ 70mph wind and rain. It was a spectacular collapse though! In this case, the stage and its roof appear to have a catalogue of questionable practices. The final pictures appear to show the whole structure bending in two becasue of the weight of water that had accumulated on the tarpaulin.

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