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Foam for Speaker Fronts

Pete Alcock

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I'm fed up of the sponge falling off the front of my small (home-built) subs. Simple box, perforated steel grill, 12mm acoustic foam for the front. Can I get it stay stuck on? Can I heck. Have tried industrial spray carpet glue, evostik, 3M craft spray mount etc. Anybody know how HK, D&B etc manage it?





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My HK's have the foam tucked underneath the grill each side which then slots into a grove that runs down the inside edge of the cab, this holds the side of the grille and the foam in and then there is a wood screw at the top and bottom of the cab that holds the middle of the grill in which also stops the edges popping out. I think there is also a ltitle bit of evo stick just to hold the foam on where it folds round the grille.



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another vote for velcro - im not keen on glue as it can reduce the transparency of the grille, and if / when the foam gets damage its a pain to change


ive just finnished 4 21" subs, and have used velcro to attach the 10mm 10ppi reticulated foam to the grille, and it seems to be fine. not cheap though at a couple of quid a metre!

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