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Room Sharing


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I know that on the last tour I did (and I think the same company is doing the same for my next tours) the Admin and Techs all had their own rooms, whilst the performers were sharing same sex rooms. I've shared with both before, but *knew the people I was sharing with every time* and would be wary of sharing opposite sex without knowing the person concerned.


In a (mainly joking) conversation the other day, somone did ask that as a gay man, should I be sharing rooms with the same sex either? We did decide that to a point this was going slightly too far but the point does hold water to a certain degree. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do same sex shares...just that certain people I know have questioned the principal!


TBH, if I know the people and they don't snore that loudly, I couldn't give two hoots, and have been known to sleep on site with a bix mixed group.


In this circumstance however, I would be very wary - esp if the couple are already known!


Just my 2p worth :)



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I'm wondering if this situation has been resolved?


My opinion? Not in a month of sundays. As a bloke I wouldn't want to share a room with an unknown female co-worker, especially in our litigious society. I also think it's absolutely unacceptable to be thrust into this situation and just be expected to be ok with it.



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  • 1 month later...
BUT theyre saying I have to share a room with him (the bands are staying in our hotel too and apparently the budget is low)...So I said I don't feel comfortable with it

what do you think?


I'm guessing this has been resolved now, but...


Straight away you knew you didnt feel comfortable with it. Go with your gut instinct and keep on being uncomfortable with it.


I wouldn't ever do this, as said in a sense above, you'd be going abroad to a place you dont know that well, if the budget is low then the place your staying at can't be too great either, your going with people you dont know, spending the night in a room with some bloke you dont even know. BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS.


In total honesty, drop it and find something else. If the company don't like it then what can they do?

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This sounds a bit dodgy to me as well, I'm not sure that people should be made to share rooms with strangers of the opposite sex if they don't feel comfortable about doing so.


Friends or acquaintances are obviously different, but not strangers.

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Playing devils advocate, whats the difference between this and her being asked to share with a lesbian

or a guy being asked to share with a gay guy?


I wouldn't be happy to share with someone I didn't know (or for that matter a lot of people I do know, I know a lot of people I wouldn't want to share with) irrespective of their gender.


It's a big negative to taking the job, she has to decide how badly she needs/wants this job and what others are available before deciding whether it's a big enough negative to walk away from.

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I would never share a room with someone I didn't know. If I knew the person I wouldn't mind so much but I have never had to share a room with anyone while working, I have stopped away from home with work several times over the last three years now (and I'm only 17) and have never once even been asked to share a room. I have always had a room to myself and luckily for me its always been a double too! I think your friend should say that she doesn't feel comfortable with it and offer to pay some money towards separate rooms and if they still refuse then just walk away from the job.
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Erm, we *do* realise that the OP was from June-ish, don't we?

Not to say that people shouldn't still throw in their two-penneth, but that anyone thinking of offering advice to the OP, is, well, a bit late :ph34r: (plus, the OP apparantly hasn't been back since then, anyway...

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