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Music Lighting


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Maybe slightly off topic..


Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) has a new kit on there latest tour which lights up when the drum is hit. It uses some LED Panel technology.


See http://www.pearldrummersforum.com/showthre...had+smith+light


Chad doesn't use the white kit they have in the video but uses an orange/yellow kit. Looks pretty cool.


(I hope this hasn't been covered before! If it has sorry!!)



Maybe slightly off topic..


Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers) has a new kit on there latest tour which lights up when the drum is hit. It uses some LED Panel technology.


See http://www.pearldrummersforum.com/showthre...had+smith+light


Chad doesn't use the white kit they have in the video but uses an orange/yellow kit. Looks pretty cool.


(I hope this hasn't been covered before! If it has sorry!!)




Not Actually LED But LEC




Very cool none the less.

Errr ... this topic has been dead for over two years ... thread necrophilia?!


Necromancy. Necrophilia is...ummm....something else. :blink:


Ive just joined this forum it seems you are bored with the subject but the blue man group uses internaly lit toms and pour paint on them it looks brilliant

it would be a good lighting angle without the paint tho


LED stuff is lighter to carry as well


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
As previously mentioned, some nice 500W floods mounted at a 35-55 degree angle behind the drummer should do nicely. With one of my clients I use 4 lined up, pair them up and you have a nice effect too. It goes without saying that these could just be your ordinary flood lights that you can buy from B&Q :D
  • 9 months later...
inside the kick drum, not good idea acoustics wise. but put two lights behind where the drummer sits and it looks like its coming from inside the kick drum

Just read all this thread and Very slightly Off topic.

But I can't believe nobody has mentioned that once you have lit the kit a light sprinkle of glitter on the snare gives some nice (if a bit camp) effects.

Not that I have ever used this you understand...



Although MUSE tour with a completely clear kit, which could be an interesting one to play with, lighting-wise!
Try getting some of the small drum stands, and mount some of the small cheap strobes in a couple of places around the kit! Cause the strobes are mounted on drum stands it looks like part the kit. Looks great when the drummer goes nuts!

I like a tight source4 lighting from behind the kit located up in the grid (if possible).

Also, when the bass drum has see-through skin both back and front, I like to put a floor can (PAR64) behind the drummers stool focused though the bass drum.....the effect is then enhanced when the drum is played and the skins move!!!

Someone said about a 500w flood behind the kit, yep thats a great idea.......I had a 1kw Nocturne on a wind-up level with the drummers shoulders, it was great for the drum solo!



NOTE!!! Never put anything hot under/ really close to the drum because the drums with warm and go out of tune!!! not a good idea!!


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