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UV-Resistant Drapes


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So, I need to drape off some very large windows. The previous drapes have pretty much disintegrated from UV damage (from the sun...) and so I need to get something that can take full, bright sunlight and last.


The drapes are for both acoustic and light-blocking purposes, so they need to be reasonably "heavy". And Black, of course. Preferably they need to look acceptable from the "wrong" side too - the outside there is quite a nice public space, so we don't want to put people off. I'm not adverse to the outside being white or something, as long as it look reasonable.


I'm guessing some kind of UV-resistant lining is available? I don't really know... I was hoping to be armed with a basic understanding before I called the supplier so I'm not sucked in by the sales ploy.


So, what do I want?

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Are these drapes going to be permanently deployed?


Some materials you will get are likely to be either highly resistant to UV, but get done in by the heat, or vice versa.

However, I would strongly recommend that you do paint the outside white, so as to reduce IR absorption of the material. This in itself will help quite a bit.

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One "bay" will be a permanent install, the rest will be used for up to a month at a time, for maybe 3-4 months of the year. I suspect for the heat damage reasons you mention, a heavy black drape with a lightweight white UV-resistant lining would be ideal, but I really don't know about the UV-resistant lining part.
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