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New Lighting Desk


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I work for an amateur Youth theatre and we are looking into purchasing a new Lighting desk (or second hand).


Currently we use a Pulsar Masterpiece 216 control desk. We are looking for desk with similar functions to the one we already have. We mainly used Parcans and Profiles, and we also have a MiniMac which we use frequently.


We have a limited budget of around £800 - £1000.


I was wondering which desk you suggest as I do not have much knowledge on the range of desks available.



Thanks for your help

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Out of interest, you mention that you are looking to replace but you want similar features, what are your reasons for replacement? If the reason is your current desk is just past it and is becoming unreliable then why not just get the same again? If your current desk meets your needs, and everyone is familiar then why change?


I will admit that the Masterpiece is not my favourite desk and there are many far more complex consoles available so if you are looking for new features then if you can let us know exactly what you're looking for, what type of shows you do for example and your style of operating then we can probably give you more targeted responses.


I hope this in itself is some help.

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Zero 88 range would be a good choice:




I'm not suggesting that it's not a good choice, but a more useful response would have been "Zero 88 range would be a good choice because..."


It's a bit like someone asking for advice on choosing cars and replying "you should have a look at Fords.."

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the zero 88's are simple, and good. but for the OP's requirements they are not affordable.


We have a limited budget of around £800 - £1000.

correct me if I'm wrong. but I thought that there are only 2ish desks that are under £1000



my answer;


its a bit of a looking around and waiting game,

your basically in the same position as me (trying to get a good desk under £1000).

Second hand stuff is the best bet.

If you wait long enough, something good will always come up. But when it does, you have to be fast.

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I wouldn't go from a Masterpiece to a Frog range (although cheap). Both desks have completely different set-ups/operations/features. You'd need to get used to a whole different way of using a lighting desk.


... so shoot me :)

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Couple of corrections to the above - the Jester 12/24 lists at £785 (£699 if you go for 19" rack mount formation instead of the pretty sides). The Jester 24/48 lists at £1099. We also have the Jester ML at £999 and the Juggler at £399.


Any of the 'generics' desks (12/24, 24/48, Juggler) can be combined with the Jester ML to make it a fully functioned (generics and moving lights, submasters, etc,) desk.


If you need any more help or information on our products, please don't hesitate to let me know,





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