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I finally managed to get hold of some photos from our previous school plays, so here they are. As there are 2 plays here, I am assuming that the 3 photos rule applies per production, hence the 6 below ;)



I was lighting designer, and we 48 channels of generics and a few smoke machines. No movers, hazers, LEDs or any other toys :** laughs out loud **:







Return to the Forbidden Planet

Identical spec to the above really, no gadgets, and the same generic rig.







I thoroughly enjoyed the above 2 productions, although looking back some of the face light was a little weak :wacko:

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Lighting for RTTFP looks very Brechtian. Was that the intent Charlie?

Umm, not particularly, however looking back I can see what you mean :wacko:


EDIT: Having said that, the lights in that last photo weren't as visible as they look - the audience were sitting much farther back into the auditorium, meaning the fixtures were blocked from view by the borders. I did go for a bright stage, however, as the director wanted a clinical feel to the spaceship. You can't see them in these pics, but there was a bar of codas, upstage of the doors, that backlight the stage, and this looked very atmospheric when used :** laughs out loud **:

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It's not so much seeing the kit, more the fact that it's stark and white - is there actually any colour in the rig at all? Nothing wrong with Brechtian Whiteness, of course, but for RTTFP it's a bit unusual. That's not wrong, just a very different take to the usual psuedo rock and roll saturated colour. The pictures look almost like a TV set in terms of any colour as long as it's white.
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It's not so much seeing the kit, more the fact that it's stark and white - is there actually any colour in the rig at all? Nothing wrong with Brechtian Whiteness, of course, but for RTTFP it's a bit unusual. That's not wrong, just a very different take to the usual psuedo rock and roll saturated colour. The pictures look almost like a TV set in terms of any colour as long as it's white.

Umm, its been a while and my rig plan has disappeared from my hard-drive :wacko: , but I think we only used a mixture of different strength frosts, and 2 red fresnels.....however I can't for the life of me remember where we used the reds! :** laughs out loud **:

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Considering the hype that was produced from doing 'Les Miserables', hardly anyone took any photos! I was Lighting designer but I opped sound for the actual shows. Rough kit list:


LX: 2xMac 250, 4xHui Batterns, 4xCCT Silhouette spots, 8xETC Parnels, 8x 500w Fresnels, 6xFloods, 4xPar 64s


FX: 16x Sennheiser Radio Mics, Laptop for sound fxs, 4xRifle Mics





Little Fall Of Rain (Eponine's Death)







Do You Hear The People Sing? (People's Song)







Bring Him Home



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Our Country's Good, November/December 2010



This was the opening scene when Sideway is being flogged, sideway hangs USC being flogged, with the lighting shown above.



The Aborigine muses on the nature of dreams (Apologies for the picture quality)



Sweet Charity, November 2009



The Dance Hall.

(A Few more Images are Here)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished a production of 'Schools will rock you' In December at the college I used to go too but was asked back for this one production. I designed sound and operated sound, and also designed the lighting rig and then left it too the prod lx and programmer to get it all up and focused how he wanted it.


Lighting was:


14 Acclaim Profiles

20 LED Pars

4 Robe 575 Spots

4 LED Molefays

1 UV Flood

1 Cheapo disco laser thing


All run off a 520i.


Sound was:




5 Meyer UPA's

2 D&B E3's

4 Meyer USW's

2 Meyer UM's (for stage)

7 Sets of wired IEM's for band


18 Senheisser 300 Series Radio Mics, 16 Headset, 2 Handheld


If you want any more info on either Lighting or Sound, feel free to PM me.








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  • 3 weeks later...

That looks like a well funded 'Talent Show'!!

We just finished ours a few nights ago, and not only is it a well funded talent show; it looks as if it is also a well rehearsed talent show! Our rehearsal time was limited to one rehearsal of all the acts (in which I had to try and design the lighting for each act whilst running microphones and a backing track!!!) and then a dress/tech a few hours before the house opened http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif Needless to say the acts had a rather basic lighting plot and tempers were slightly strained over cans http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif

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The LED cans were just cheap and cheerful chinese can's (I believe), we hired them from Viking Lighting along with all the other lampie stuff and power and the LED can's were the one's here.


Off topic, I can highly recommend Viking Lighting! They genuinely do everything in their power to sort stuff out even if it's been a mistake on our end! (Which did happen once..)



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Needless to say the acts had a rather basic lighting plot and tempers were slightly strained over cans


And therein lies the difference between the up and comerers and the pro's....


BBC's TOTP if I recall correctly, had about 5 minutes of LX Programming per song during the camera rehearsals, all stress free. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif

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