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PUtting DMX into a dimmer.


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Let me get this right, you want to make a non DMX dimmer work from DMX? If so then a relay kit is not going to help you one bit!


But I may of still misunderstood your question as your posts aren't exactly clear what your trying to achieve.

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However surely if the dimmer isn't DMX it will be demux? and thus a demux converter would be simpler and just as effective?


And if that's the case you might want to look at something like this, although it only converts 4-channels, I'm sure there will be other kits available that do similar.

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You need to bear in mind that a relay can only be on or off. There is no middle ground. A dimmer on the other hand can be off, on or anywhere inbetween. This means a relay won't be suitable.


You could (I suppose) connect the relay to a 10v (or whatever 100% on your dimmer is) power supply and use the relay to switch the channel on or off. However this is all you will get, fully on or fully off.


What the guys above are reffering to is a demux, or demultiplexer which converts DMX control levels into an analogue control signal. So in other words you get full intensity control.


Unless you have something clever planned to make your own demux from the D-A convertor on the relay board, though it may not even have one!


Basically, if you don't quite understand what people above have said or aren't 100% sure yourself, I'd leave it well alone!



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You still haven't told us exactly what you want to achieve?? So you want to be able to control the dimmer using DMX? If so then please read the posts above as they explain how to do this.


I think you should probably read this page to understand what that module you pictured is for.


EDIT: Largely beaten to it again!

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I'm sorry but I am going to be very blunt.

Given by the way you asked the question and your obviuos lack of knowledge I would suggest, even if it was possible, that YOU don't aatempt it yourself. Get a knowledable person to have a look.



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I'm sorry but I am going to be very blunt.

Given by the way you asked the question and your obviuos lack of knowledge I would suggest, even if it was possible, that YOU don't aatempt it yourself. Get a knowledable person to have a look.






I have plenty of knowledge in lighting just not that of building DMX dimmers, which I'm not sure very many people do. Although thanks for the pointer ** laughs out loud **, I would never attempt something like that unless I was 100% sure of what I was doing



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I'm sorry but I am going to be very blunt.

Given by the way you asked the question and your obviuos lack of knowledge I would suggest, even if it was possible, that YOU don't aatempt it yourself. Get a knowledable person to have a look.






I have plenty of knowledge in lighting just not that of building DMX dimmers, which I'm not sure very many people do. Although thanks for the pointer ** laughs out loud **, I would never attempt something like that unless I was 100% sure of what I was doing




But clearly not enough to know the difference between a dimmer and a relay. Only last week you were asking a lot of half-a**ed questions about building an OB truck for £1500 and now this.


Please go and read these pages very carefully. Once you have done that come back and ask us again.


Here's a hint for you. What do you think we learned from your picture of the back of a dimmer rack? Answer: That it has four IEC outlets. Showing the front panel with a make and model number would be more helpful.



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