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Gauze 'curtain'


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Sorry Adam, still can't see it. The first just comes up with a 'tripod' ad. The photobucket requests logic, as the account is 'private'.


Maybe it is just me?? Or Firefox...



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  • 4 weeks later...

There is another way simple and effective and requires no sewing or anything to your cloth.


1.) Hang your gauze from your pros tumbling as required so there is no excess on the floor.


2.) Rig two booms one either side of the cloth that run from stage to the bar you hung the gauze off.


3.) Clamp the boom to the bar and weight the base so you have a solid vertical pipe.


4.) Attach Triple E track to the two booms with the leader pulley at the bottom and standard runners above.


5.) Affix a double pulley at the top of the tab track the side you want top operate the curtain from and a single at the top of the other track.


6.) Affix cloth clamps (available from halls (the new plastic one that are nice and cheap)) to the gauze at 0.5m or 1m intervals up the sides of the gauze and attach with bungees (to give some tension) to the tab track runners.


7.) run the rope from the leader runners up to the pulleys and run the furthest across the stage to the other so you have both ends of rope together.

Note you may need to use a couple of hook clamps on the bar to stop the rope sagging as it runs across stage.


8.) Here you have an option. You can either attach weights to the leader pulley to provide the force required to lower the cloth again or you can run second ropes and pulleys to pull it down again. Or you can just build the two tracks as push pull systems but this will require two operators.



All the kit needed can be hires from many hire companies with exception of the cloth clamps.



I hope this makes sense. It has several major advantages over other methods

The main one being that it requires no altering to any cloths.

You are not flying any bars that could fall on someones head as the bottom of the gauze is empty or worst case chained.

It's cheap!!

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  • 3 months later...

Could you use a troff, dont know if it is a technical term, but fly the troff, which collects the gauze as it flies out. Only problem is, the gauze might fall either side of the troff, causing a mess.


Saw it done once before, worked quite well. You do get a big black troff flying in and out though..



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Could you use a troff, dont know if it is a technical term

Ah yes - that might work. The spelling is "Trough", but it's pronounced troff...

Basically a big linear bucket which is flown out, collecting the gauze and gathering it up to the grid.


Anyway, problems with that are:

Balancing the trough - if it tips much either US or DS, the gauze will fall out and make a mess.

Flying the trough - it must be stiff enough to be picked up by the ends alone (otherwise you'll have ugly ropes in view when it's flown in), and take the full weight of the gauze.

Sufficient depth of the trough to take the gauze in worst-case gathering scenario.

When the gauze is in, the trough will form an opaque mass at the bottom.


All in all, I'd consider it unreliable.


If you have the height I prefer tripping with strong fishing line, but you need at least a half flytower to do that.

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At a slight tangent...


Was thinking outside the box a little and thought of this... (yell if it be madness)


Use a hazer. Then, a row of birdies on the floor aiming straight up (or vice versa). That will give a 'curtain' of light obscuring most of the action. Also looks really cool if you fire it up (at about half power) and have the lead lean forwards into the 'curtain' for a solo.

That way theres no need for flying gauze and it's fairly cheap to do. Wont work if you're low on power.


You could also try a pair of low/high mounted blinders aiming up/down and into the audience at a 45 degree angles (towards the centre front of stage) hiding the band change behind the beams produced. Not sure how this would look tho.

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