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Automated Door


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Does anyone have an idea that might be able to help me...


Our venue, designed as a 'multi purpose venue, is a difficult venue!

The stage has no wing space. It is a wooden box, with BWS drapes to create a black box for theatre shows.

the wooden box is intended to be used as a concert hall, and has fantastic acoustics. HOWEVER, access to stage is through an upstage door, opened from backstage!

Usually, I have the trainee technician backstage for concerts, and on my que, he opens the door for performers.

Now, this works well, but as you can imagine, it is a waste of resources.


What I'm wondering is about the possibility of controlling an electrical gate opener via DMX from the lighting desk.


Any comments/suggestions would be gratefully received





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The basics wouldn't be too difficult. Use one of the Milford boards (CPC Range here) with a relay or two replacing the switch.


What would be more difficult is making the set-up truly safe. Automatic stops if someone gets trapped, emergency stop buttons etc would all be needed. Manual over ride if your desk fails, or power cut; these may be incorporated in the gate opener design already.

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The basics wouldn't be too difficult. Use one of the Milford boards (CPC Range here) with a relay or two replacing the switch.


What would be more difficult is making the set-up truly safe. Automatic stops if someone gets trapped, emergency stop buttons etc would all be needed. Manual over ride if your desk fails, or power cut; these may be incorporated in the gate opener design already.


and linking to the fire alarm system if it forms part of an escape route??

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Do you have permission to alter the door? Are you going to let all users use your remote control?


Look at a door controller with all the safeties built in, THEN add a remote open. I guess the door hinges outwards so you don't want it to hit someone waiting to come on as it opens to let someone off. Trouble then is that if someone is in the way the door will not open and talent cannot get off! (drama turns Rix, doors and trousers instantly)

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Is it a fire door or could it be left open throughout the show?

If so could you rig a masking leg or similar in front of the door so the turn can enter through an open doorway and wait behind a masking leg until their entrance.


But do you not need a technician onstage anyway during a show, to deal with any emergency that may arise, communicate with the actors, give calls etc. ?

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I presume it opens off-stage if a technician can open it without being seen, in which case from your position you will not be able to see anyone it may hit. Therefore it is unsafe to control in this manner.


Are you not overcomplicating things "a bit?!"

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This may a silly question --- but why can't the artiste open the door as they walk in ---- most turns have learnt how to open a door by the time they are performing on stage --- maybe a sign on the outside (unseen by audience) that points out the handle and states PUSH/PULL as appropriate, just to help them?

You could rig a cue light so they can wait for for a "green" before entering, if need be?

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As far as I see it, trying to use DMX for a door release is a bit OTT...

I'm assuming here that you just need to be able to open the LATCH of the door, not actually swing the door open (which would entail a FAR more tricky and expensive solution.


So why not make it simple, and use a DC operated remote latch?

We have one on our downstairs control room door so we can let in anyone without the keycode or a swipe card (we have the CCTV pointed at the door!). This also means you can set up any number of additional remote push-buttons to operate it.


As they say...


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A few points to clarify...

1 It's not a fire door, and I'd give permission to modify the door!

2 The door opens outwards - ONTO the stage - So yes, it's possible to smack the performer with the proposed patented device!

3 Leaving open through the show is a problem, as the door top is seen from the stalls, and therefore, into the backstage passage... I've thought of placing masking in front of the door's entrance, and this would work, as long as it'd blend well with the wooden panels of the hall. Part of this issue is to do with the architect's insistence on preserving the 'lines of the hall'

4 2 technicians are on duty. One in the control room on LX, the other backstage SM ing, but I'm just wondering on a way of automating a process. A technician recently missed a cue to open a door, and a world class pianist was left stuck on the stage (reflecting another comment replied to in this thread)!!!

Another problem is when LX AND Sound are needed.

5 Also - to clarify, the problem isn't getting the performer onstage, but getting the buggers off again!!


Finally, I admit that this whole idea is as OTT as any I've ever had, and a Spinal Tap nightmare!!


I think what I'll do is employ a 5 year old, or a 75 year old to sit backstage and open the door on cue.

Can anyone suggest a non lethal electrical charge I could administer so the cues aren't missed?!!?

(That last paragraph, by the way, is, was, and always will be a joke).

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As far as I see it, trying to use DMX for a door release is a bit OTT...

I'm assuming here that you just need to be able to open the LATCH of the door, not actually swing the door open (which would entail a FAR more tricky and expensive solution.


It might depend on whether their hands are full walking in with an instrument or somesuch, we've a number of doors around our sites that open when you push a pad (same sort of thing as in shopping centres and the like) so if you did need something like this the people who install those may be the best to speak to, but these systems aren't particularly quiet giving a nice WHIRRRRRR when they open and they're probably not cheap as has been said.


The DMX control is something that's probably best to treat as a separate issue to bring up with the supplier (can I add my own interface that closes a relay contact)



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There are electrically operated door openers on the market already (they look like those door-close spring units you get on the top of doors) and they're designed so that they can be electrically operated but also can be opened just like a normal door would be (the motor is week enough that the door can be push/pulled and just feels like a slightly stiff door) - this gets around the issues of making the door un-useable etc. Check out an electricians suppliers / electrical wholesalers for them.


DMX control is a waste of time - you can just run an appropriate remote up to your LX box to trigger.

You'll have to do some RA paperwork and set up appropriate procedures to demonstrate that you've taken all reasonable steps to ensure you don't trigger the door to open in to somone's face.



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