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GVG Lighting scanners


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Hi has anyone got any opinions of the following scanners: 2nd one down.


They can be found at this website GVG scanner


Its the 2nd one down on that page


Reason im asking is that they seem identical to the range that martin sell and seem to be similar spec???


There £99 each I was trying to figure out whether I should upgrade from my mojo scan's to these or find a suitable controller for the mojo scans.


What do you reckon?

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Do you think they will be better than the mojo scans I have now/
Feature wise, yes, come on.. separate gobo and colour wheels with a fair amount variety plus a dimmer (which is near unheard of in cheap end DJ fixtures).


Build quality.. their probably going to be be of a similar standard.. not going to be something that'll stand upto constant road use, but plenty fine for discos where you'll be able to put some care into the rigging and packing of them.


I just don't wanna go spending money on controllers and then find problems start with the geni scanners.
Most DMX controllers will run any DMX controllable fixture, thus you should have no problems running both these and your Geni scanners. There's been many a topic on here discussing all the well known disco-range controllers :o





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The martin units of similar (paper) spec are discharge fixtures, those are 24V Halogen it seems - not as bright by a long way. Scanners are getting cheaper, but not that much cheaper. Build quality is probably shoddy too. They're probably alright small disco units for 100 quid but don't expect them to last through much difficult use.
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There gonna be used couple of times a month, like 3 times max a month for 5 hours at a time.


Would you say to get these in stead of buying a control or would you percevere and get controller for the mojo scans?


Are they similar spec to when the mojo scan first came out?


Also seent he maplin smart SSC-2 scanners, they only 150w bulbs though so not sure and dont seem to have as much...


Maplin Smart SSC-2


What you reckon?

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I have to say that I bought a 100mW laser from GVG which had an ILDA interface. We hooked it up to my mates software last weekend and ran some test patterns and he said for the money it was very good value (<£400) Can't comment on their other products but they do seem to be very good value for money.
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To get a reasonable light output from a scanner, you want to set your goals on at least a 150 watt discharge lamp. Next best is a 250 watt halogen lamp. If it is a permanenet instal, spend your money on the scanners and use something like MagiQ for the control until you come across a scanner desk you like and can afford.
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Also seent he maplin smart SSC-2 scanners, they only 150w bulbs though so not sure and dont seem to have as much...


Maplin Smart SSC-2


What you reckon?

I own two of the smart SSC-2s aswel as a Mojo Scan and have to say the SSC-2s are wery bright we have a 200' garden and you can pick out a cat at the end with them although they dont have dimmers.



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Some discussion of SSC 2 here:




TBH at 99 quid the GVG scanners look better value, dimmer always handy, more colours more gobos.

AFAIR Mojo1 has combined colour /gobo wheel?


Same problem with all halogen based scanners lamp life in good conditions mebbe 50 hours, in reality try less than 10 per lamp at anything up to a tenner to replace.


Thomann linked one is 150 notes plus lamp, very reasonably under 20 quid for 150 discharge, which will last a good few hours.


Halogen cheaper to buy intially gets expensive quickly in re-lamping.

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Please be aware that the 24v 250w halogens often used by this sort of scanner or moving head is also available in long life variants - 500 hour and 1000 hour, and both available from CPC (I'm sure Chris will correct me if I'm wrong) and also places such as Electrovision and others.


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