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Lighting set-up

Guest dj_cuthbert

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Guest dj_cuthbert
I have a pretty big set of lights<it consists of 12 robe 250xt spots>4 575 washes>2 575 spots>6 mx-1>1 wizard>4 led stairville 64 parcans>2 lazers.which do you think would make a good show for a club that holds about 500 ppl.I need to know which would provide the optium effect.??
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You have bucket loads of kit and want the optimum effect? Use the lot! Nice and simple. The more fixtures you have, the more options you have. If you want us to select items for you from your inventory, we need to know what you want to achieve, how skilled you are (so our ideas can be brought to fruition), venue details. Out of that lot, the venue may well be the key. Hanging positions, position of the crowd, areas and power supply details.


If you have this amount of kit available - I must admit to being a little surprised by your query.

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Guest dj_cuthbert
Just to add you must obviously make sure venue has licence for lasers or they're a no go.


A smoke machine of some sort would be handy, no?!

ahh but the fact is we are a live venue you see!and support dj's such as myself.our lazers are under the legal limit before you need to purchase a license I believe.the probelm isthat I dont want my venue looking to much like a club? I want it to be reconizable by both{club and live lounge}.yes we have a hazer and a very big smoke machine!and I belive im well qualified at what I do<** laughs out loud **>I would just like other peoples personal opinions!no mean to be rude by the way!

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I think you'll find the 'legal limit' is irrelevant when it comes to licenced premesis. Either they are specifically permitted or not. I would not let you use a laser of any power in either of the live venues I am responsible for.


I doubt there will be any answers better than Pauls. You obviously have an idea of how you want it to look and that's the whole point of lighting design. Put it all in and then choose which bits to use when programming maybe?

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Guest dj_cuthbert

yes the company is lisenced to use laser.but we dont really use them to refer that I dont want my venue looking like a superclub .and putting into consideration what you said I believe its the fact that I dont want to use all the lights because at the minute we do.and to look at the lights no matter how many brilliant effect I get out of them,its just looks desperate if you know what I mean.I would rather ave less light than to many.any there isnt really that many club in the south of northern ireland that have thae same quality that our lights produce.I was just asking peoples personal opinions on this!


Have you got a plan or some sort of picture of the venue? You've got more movers than most 1000 capacity nightclubs so I don't think getting a decent show together should be a problem at all. What you controlling them with?
at the minute im trying to change the venues lights based upon a light rotation system,so that the light are differnet every other month.and im currently using the robe 2048 robe desk and martin lightjockey as my new controller setup.
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I think I fall into the same category as those who are feeling that as someone with such a large inventory as weell as being "well qualified at what I do" you should really know yourself what can and should be done.


Don't mean to be rude myself, but only you know the venue in this situation and only you know what you want to achieve within that space.....


What do you really expect people here to give you???



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I'd say forget the lasers and maybe the led cans.


If you have a grid above the stage put 4 of the colorspots up there and put another 4 situated around the band. This way with lots of smoke/haze you can create some really cool effects.


As regards the rest of the lights - Put them above the dance floor and do some cool fx.


Leave the lasers at home - they will only case you trouble.


Oh Yeah - There are lots of big clubs in the south of ireland with this sort of lighting - Fabric in Tralee, Trinity Rooms in Limerick and Club 21 in dublin to name but a few.


Hope my suggestions help.

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if you want to do a different rig each month, then even if we sort this months one out, you will be stuck again. Best thing is to experiment and do a design.


You seem to have the difficult problem of a decent inventory of kit, but no design skills - so what you really have is an artists pallette - loads of nice colours, but no idea what to paint, or in what style.


If it were me, I'd start with the intention. Do you want to throw colour at the venue - maybe doing slow colour changes to create mood - or do you want movement? Do you want subtle stuff or do you ant wham bang make 'em jump and go wow!


I think (and other comments seem to be saying the same thing) that you are stuck for ideas - we don't know if the ideas we come up with will be within your capabiliies, but even worse - we have no idea at all if any suggestions will be possible for you to do. What I mean is that maybe somebody might say stick 8 bal blas p in a star and........ but if you can't get 8 up and hanging, let alone DMX'd and powered up - what is the point?


Some people have asked for plans - you've ignored their request - thus it does appear to us to be a little like goin to the docs and saying you don't feel well, but failing to tell him where it hurts, how long for, and your patient history!


Until you provide what has been requested - we're not getting anywhere, and to be honest, many members who could have helped will not bother to read this topic anymore as they weren't listened to - sorry.

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"It's not what you've got, it's what you do with it that counts ..."


You've got a nice selection of kit, but it sounds as though, despite being "well-qualified", you don't really have the skills to utilise it effectively. Sounds like you need someone with some lighting design skills to help you out here - and an ability in lighting design is a marketable skill, not really something you can expect to get for free on an interner forum.


First, you've got to think about where the fixtures are rigged - you're aiming for maximum visual spectacle, so you want them where they're going to have the most impact for the greatest possible number of people. A lot of the final result hinges on the programming of your control system - lots of variety, small 'looks' as well as big ones so that you can have a bit of 'dynamic range' in your lightshow ; everything laid out thoughtfully on the playbacks so that your operator can react quickly and easily to what he's hearing and run the light show in a smooth and fluid way. Finally, a good operator who knows their way around the controller and has a certain empathy for the music - you can program as many nice looks as you like, but if you've just got any old button-pusher with no sense of timing or musicality hitting the desk it's not going to look as effective.

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One thing you can do is learn and play with some of the various visualisers out there. Here you can simulate the room and then experiment with positions and looks.


Remember that as Gareth and myself pointed out your programming is key. You don't have to have everything on at once ;)

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Since when did the 'Laser License' become anything more than a myth?


Some venues don't allow them based on H&S grounds, and some specify no crowd scanning (or expect the operator to adhere to safe practise guidlines published by ILDA, etc) but the laser display market is/was a self regulated market regarding best practise and codes of conduct.

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... but the laser display market is/was a self regulated market regarding best practise and codes of conduct.

Except that all LAs have, AFAIK, adopted the Model National Standard Conditions For Places Of Entertainment (the Green Book) as the basis for granting a Premises Licence and that document says no crowd scanning. Variations are permitted but will be specified in the Licence after consultation.

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From what I can see of that document (or the brief notes available online at least) it makes reference only to crowd scanning with class 4 lasers being very complex to evaluate, and that enforcement officers should ensure that operators have complied with HSG95 GUIDANCE.


Flippin hell, £30 just to get copies of HSG95 and the Green Book. Are there any resources online that contain the relevent sections?

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