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New Avo Desk


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Would be interested to find out the price.
I'd expect it to be something around the price of a fat frog when it first came out, or for around what you'd pay for the new leap frog 96. Seeing as it claims to be trying to break into that level of the market ( small theatres, conferences, schools & colleges, small to medium scale productions or production companies, tours, venues and nightclubs), that frogs, congo jnr's, strand 300s are currently common in.


I'll wait to see it in person at PLASA. But basically seems like a desk with all the loved avo/pearl features, but with out the hassle of having to re-learn how to do all those nice things on an Azure desk, for the times when the desk can't be half the size of the table/control area :)


One thing I've just noticed.. looks like a typo or me making a silly mathematical error.:


2,048 channels to 240 moving lights on 4 isolated DMX outputs
Ok, how's that possible.. You've got 30 handles (as seen in th picture) x 4pages of handles = 120 handles in total..


Perhaps there's something where if you press a key, button for page 1 gives you access to page 5, page 2 to 6, etc etc... Have to wait and see.


After reading the article and looking at the picture a few times, thoughts of the old Jands/Hog 500 keep popping into my head. Hmm.


Look good.



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I'm not sure about Hog500. It's all about software and control and I know which I prefer!


Regarding handles I would guess that you can use [shift] for accessing upper bank handles just as you would on a standard Pearl. Similarly, you view upper bank data in LCD by toggling fix page button (flashes). The only difference is no physical fader and you would have to use wheel/numerical for dimmer.

What I want to know is what is the button between the wheels? Maybe a second [shift] button giving easier access to fast wheels?


This is only a guess but would make software consistent which will be essential, not just for compatibility and familiarity but also for actually writing and maintaining on the various consoles. It would also make sense that this runs on a C2D/XP which will give it the same hardware and software base as Expert & D4.


If I'm correct then this gives a nice uniform structure with amazing potential for the future. This neatly fills the gap that will inevitably be left by the classic board whose technology must now have a limited lifespan.


I do have issues with the name though. There are many precious stones left unused. First we have 'expert', now 'tiger'. What about 'ruby' or 'sugilite' or 'lapis lazuli' or ..... sorry! :)



PS. I don't work for Avo. I did write that myself. I will accept donations.

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is this a replacement for the Azure, then, or a totally separate beastie? It seems to sit in a similar market position, and as mentioned above with the move to embedded XP having a mini-pearl would preusmably make software updates easier in the longterm for Avo. looks very cute! I can see a good few of them popping up about the place, I've seen loads of corporate gigs use pearls where you only need a desk half the size.
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My impression is this will end up replacing the standard Pearl giving two platform levels, maybe the Azure too. Both are now in dead-end technology & clearly needed new life. Also, the main differences currently existing between the Pearl 2004/8 and Expert are the Intel/XP base. Other than a few more PB's the control surface is the same. It would make sense to have a smaller console available instead.
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Also, the main differences currently existing between the Pearl 2004/8 and Expert are the Intel/XP base
I'd expect them to do similar with this desk then. Doesn't say it in the article but I'd be surprised if they didn't.


The playback wing sounds like a good idea too, wonder if it'll be just the one wing, or will you be able to add a few more if needed/wanted.


10 playback submasters, expandable to 15 with external playback wing
Seems bit silly to have something that only gives you another 5 subs.. why not make it bit more like 10 or so..


I guess though that hire co's will have to be careful not to fall into a trap of making this desk + a playback wing, more expensive to hire than a normal pearl (08 or expert).. I guess that could also be said about the sale price too.


Something else to think about, how will they connect to the desk.. USB?, if so, will they be compatible with the Expert (in case you want more subs for that)..


Theres going to be a few things about this desk that we'll have to wait till PLASA to find out. Will it do Ethernet style control protocols such as ACN, RDM, etc..



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My impression is this will end up replacing the standard Pearl giving two platform levels, maybe the Azure too. Both are now in dead-end technology & clearly needed new life. Also, the main differences currently existing between the Pearl 2004/8 and Expert are the Intel/XP base.


Too true.


I thought that Avo really missed a trick with the 2004/8. It takes more than a few software tweaks and changing the fader knob colours to keep up with todays desk requirements.

The Expert seems to be what the 2004 should have been. Maybe I won't switch wholesale to the MagicQ after all.


I know that plenty of small corporate gigs don't need a desk quite as big as a pearl but the difference seems negligable. Many multiskilled AV tech's can't use a Pearl anyway. Surely those little gigs will still be taking a Fat Frog. ( Not with me on them, they won't!)


I would have thought that unless there was a significant price advantage over and old pearl ( there are still hundreds still working ) then I can't quite see how they fit into the lighting desk market.


Don't even get me started on the Azure. A desk to make an experience operator peer closely at the buttons and squint at the user manual like an idiot.


Best wishes to all.

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There must be some price difference between this and the "normal" Pearl, else the 2008 will have been a total waste of time for them. It's a pretty small desk, surely a good bit smaller than a Fat Frog, which can count for a lot - being in the middle of festival land at the moment I know well that there are some gigs where the size of the desk is a major concern!
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Actually it turns out I was wrong. The Tiger will use the same hardware as standard Pearls and will run the same software. This should of course help keep the price low but I am still very surprised. The control between the wheels is for contrast.
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  • 5 weeks later...

I spotted on the Avo website today a new product, the 'Avo Pearl Tiger':




Basically it looks like a small scale Pearl, aiming for the markets where the full width rolacue and dozens of fixtures isn't needed.


Not totally sure about the name or the bullet point on that page that it "Looks extremely cute!" but it looks like a very shrewd move by Avolites and it could do well in the smaller scale market. I'm looking forward to playing with one at PLASA next week!


Anyone else got any initial thoughts?


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Thanks, I'm sorry, I did search for 'Pearl Tiger' and interestingly it only returned two threads, neither of which are this one... still, apologies for not seeing the old one. (Also, I can't seem to edit my original post?)

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There is a dutch site that has a price but I'm not convinced it is correct. Word from Avo is likely to be pitched somewhere between Azure and 2008, but that is by no means definite.


I have one on test at the moment. The size and portability is very attractive. Nice to be able to carry such a lot of power under your arm! It is 2008 software/hardware with minor changes. One additional point that might not be clear from press release is there is no longer a floppy drive, only USB.

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There is a dutch site that has a price but I'm not convinced it is correct. Word from Avo is likely to be pitched somewhere between Azure and 2008, but that is by no means definite.


I have one on test at the moment. The size and portability is very attractive. Nice to be able to carry such a lot of power under your arm! It is 2008 software/hardware with minor changes. One additional point that might not be clear from press release is there is no longer a floppy drive, only USB.



Does the USB work on this desk?


still fiddling with our new pearls to get USB to work.. heard that its a case of waiting for a future software release.

(since been out and bought floppys)


truth be know, wish I´d known about these before ordering the pearls. these are perfect for the smaller jobs, only need 2 of these and 1 pearl in our company, not the 3 pearls we got!

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