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A&H mixers!


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We've had a GL2000/24 for I can't remember how many years & an ML3000/32 for about four, both from new, never a problem with either. We don't dry hire tho' - experience has taught us people don't treat kit that's not their own with much respect.
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I love the iLive its a great desk great sound and great feal as usual with Allen and heath.


The only thing with the iLive is the software as it only has 2 FX which is a bit strange for a desk of £28,000. But this desk is great if I was going to spend around £28,000 on a desk I would get this one.

I think the ilive is in a very tough market I think it won't last long it's 2 expensive it has big competitors like vi6 they should be looking to compete with the Yamaha stuff like the m7cl ,ls9 or mackie. allen and heath are know for decent mixers with good features and the main thing the price is right. the ilive doesn't fit the bill


forgot to say the new gl and mixwiz range with the monitor split is a great idea and they should do very well for them.

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Hey all, just my 2 cents,


Having used many desks, little soundcraft spirits, crest, A and H wizard, GLseries, ML series, iLive, Soundcraft MH series, K series, Midas sienna, verona, heritage series and probs some more 'lower end desks',


Personally, I can say that an A and H desk is a desk that can be used with pretty much any sized system, and work effectively, professsionally, and generally will not let the user down, on any of their shows, the sound quality is certainly more than acceptable, and is generally a desk well worth having in stock.


The money you pay for an ML4000 for example, at list price (aclighting), is just over £9000 for a 32 chan frame (exvat), where as an equivalent soundcraft is approximately 16000 quid (MH4) or approx 12000 for a MH3 version. Just think of the equivalent Midas and then compare your demand for a Midas vs cost / what the client is prepared to cost.


Granted, a Midas H3 for example, stuck in your system will enhance your mix no end (if used properly), however an A and H is not far behind, especially as you only pay at max about 1/3 the cost of the midas. You get features from an ML which are there on the more expensive desks, and work just as well, such as VCA's. mute groups (which can be set for Midi recall/scene recall),sub groups, large matrix's and so on, and ive seen ML5000's in arenas work just as comfortably with the FOH engineer as a midas h3 would (and crew like the fact its a little lighter :( )


This is not a dig at 'higher end desks', I love the sound of the midas h3 and so on, but if im on a budget, I certainly would never think twice about using an A and H, we have 6 GL's, and they are out everyweek, they have paid for themselves at least 12 times over by now, and too my knowledge (apart from minor maintenance on the fader screws, rider after dirt/beer being mixed into it by some naughty engineer), they have never been in need of serious repair.


Overall A and H, the good quality, reasonable priced desk....... :)




Simon West

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We've got an ML3000, three years old which has been giving us problems for the last year or so. Not very impressed really...
Your post really surprised me. I've repaired a fair few desks from just about every major manufacturer and can honestly say A&H not only have very high build quality but are in my opinion the easiest to fault find and repair of the lot. Sorry to be blunt but I would seriously look at the competence of whoever did the repair, I know intermittent faults can be a pain in the arse but it's hardly rocket science. From the information you have given and knowing the layout of the desk it sounds likely that it's a pretty quick (and cheep) fix.
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Also, the support guys at A&H are based in the UK and really know their stuff, and I don't know any audio manufacturer that even sends their marketing guys our way let alone their designers so big kudos to Carey for all the intelligent advice and support he's given to the community over the years.



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I have a MixWiz 16:2DX and a GL2800-824 both great desks. I've not seen a better desk than a MixWizard in the market range it lives in and a GL2800 I MUCH MUCH MUCH prefer to a Soundcraft GB4 or GB8.


I can't comment on the ML series or the PA series, as I've never used either. Any higher than my GL2800 I'd be looking to an LS9 or an M7CL.


Is the PA20-CP a desk with an amp in it? if it's heavy, that's probably the power amp inside it causing the weight issue.


Just wanted to add my support to the boys from the West Country.



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I've got a GL2000 for live use and a mixwiz in the studio. Both bought second hand; both rock solid.


I had a random problem with the GL ages ago; the led meters would occasionally all flicker together. I tracked it down to a dodgy diode in the power supply, which was a very cheap and easy job to fix. Nice to service as it comes apart easily and everything is accessible. Email support from A&H when I was troubleshooting it was good too.


Definite thumbs up here :)

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Honest opinions on all of the A&H range?


Solid, reliable and easy on the pocket.


I don't have the reservations about the ML series aired here. Provided the desk has the right number of ins, outs and the right eq for the task then I'd happily consider it.


The A&H philosophy has been to provide what the customer wants at a price they can afford, which is why you see so many of them around. Comparisons with Midas aren't really that fair unless you go price for price which generally leaves the Midas looking more expensive as features go (though again you get into subjective territory here: does the extra cost give you "that Midas sound/feel"?).


The iDR series hasn't been previously mentioned here but a pair have been running well in a venue I work in a bit which are on 24/7 year round. A lot of power and flexibility in those for the install dudes hanging out here.

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As far as I know, they don't have a UK or European distributer, and I've not found them offered by any dealers common on this forum.


I believe their UK distributor is KV2 Audio in Harrogate


It is indeed. They also do the larger Spectra APB Consoles.

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Having praised the GLs, I suppose I do have to question the sanity of a 32 channel desk with only four subgroups. Its brilliantly neat the way the 4 subs and L/R can be swapped with the six auxes to make it a dammed handy monitor desk, but for some applications four subgroups is just insufficient.
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And won't be able to put it any better.


They're very good desks at the end of the day, I have preferences for the largest of the boards but in the medium and small scale boards you can't beat them. the Wizards are fantastic. And I love my GL2800 to bits. Everything you need for medium to large scale things without breaking the bank. Pre's from the ML4000 IIRC.



I have a GL2800-32, and it's my baby :D The main feature on this console, for it's price, is the features - The Matrix, 10 Aux sends, the quantity of channel inserts - wherever they may be, the general I/O of the desk and of course, the M fader, that I use as a master level control to the Subs - Really handy


Having praised the GLs, I suppose I do have to question the sanity of a 32 channel desk with only four subgroups. Its brilliantly neat the way the 4 subs and L/R can be swapped with the six auxes to make it a dammed handy monitor desk, but for some applications four subgroups is just insufficient.


That really depends on what you're using the desk for. I've quite often used over 16-20 channels, and just mixed to LRM,

Although, is is agreed that having the sub groups is handy.


My personal favourite is the 4 Mute groups, when used correctly, they give you a second lighting rig ;)

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