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A&H mixers!


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Honest opinions on all of the A&H range?


When I say range I mean all there consoles mix wizards, GL, ML and PA!


Ive got mine just interested on other peoples experiences, would you recommend them? Would you buy them? Would you hire or spec them for a gig? etc etc etc......

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Would I buy them - yes

I'd hire them if I needed something I didn't have, and yes - if I had to prepare a spec, they'd be in there - along with Soundcraft and Yamaha.


As with most manufactures, they have spec limited, reduced cost products and real industry workhorses. They have a decent reputation, although I did see my first faulty ML3000 this week, which failed pretty impressively - but as far as I'm aware, these kind of faults are rare.

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The GLs represent the point of mixerhood where there is absolutely nothing on the machine that sucks, at a price that is distinctly affordable. Unbeatable. Ok, there is debate about what the exact featureset should be, especially noting the there was recently a range facelift, but no argument that whats there is pretty good.


The MixWiz series also are truly excellent tools.


Carey (of A&H) will probably be along in a moment...

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And won't be able to put it any better.


They're very good desks at the end of the day, I have preferences for the largest of the boards but in the medium and small scale boards you can't beat them. the Wizards are fantastic. And I love my GL2800 to bits. Everything you need for medium to large scale things without breaking the bank. Pre's from the ML4000 IIRC.


I too, will passover the comment on the digital side of things.

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:) ya you can't beat the mixwiz and gl range for sound quaity and price, I often get artist spec lists where they want an gl or ml over my midas venice or siena. so that tells alot. the old mixwiz had there ribbon problems but the new version seam more reliable. the pa range are great value for money they look like a dynacord powermate(which I hate with a passion) and half the Price and sound away better! if only you could get the lid like the powermate for the pa range.

must go now and start a new topic about why I hate dynacord

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I love the iLive its a great desk great sound and great feal as usual with Allen and heath.


The only thing with the iLive is the software as it only has 2 FX which is a bit strange for a desk of £28,000. But this desk is great if I was going to spend around £28,000 on a desk I would get this one.

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We've got an ML3000, three years old which has been giving us problems for the last year or so. Not very impressed really, as it has been well looked after, and is installed, as opposed to being moved around a lot. An aux has died, channels keep dying and then coming back, headphone stopped working. Had it looked at and headphone thing repaired. However, other intermittent faults couldn't be indentified, short of replacing ribbon cables. Problems only became apparent after the warranty period had expired. I would expect a desk in this price range to have better build quality, and not to fail so quickly. I would think twice about buying an A&H ML desk again - perhaps look at spending a little more and getting a more sturdy desk.
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We've got an ML3000, three years old which has been giving us problems for the last year or so. Not very impressed really, as it has been well looked after, and is installed, as opposed to being moved around a lot. An aux has died, channels keep dying and then coming back, headphone stopped working. Had it looked at and headphone thing repaired. However, other intermittent faults couldn't be identified, short of replacing ribbon cables. Problems only became apparent after the warranty period had expired. I would expect a desk in this price range to have better build quality, and not to fail so quickly. I would think twice about buying an A&H ML desk again - perhaps look at spending a little more and getting a more sturdy desk.


ya I had same problems with 2 mixwiz channels dying and coming back again. another one that really annoyed me was a channel would go pre fader so I'd have to mix from the gain! that happened a few channels. also the left output would keep cutting in and out.and when you sent it off for repair there was not a thing wrong with it! but I still thing there great and I would have no problem buying any of the range. maybe the makeover they got last year for gl and mixwiz range sorted them out but I don't know if it was just cosmetically or a full redesign they done

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Our church had been using a GL2200 for something like 7 years before we upgraded our desk to larger one. We've only had two issues with it; a faulty PSU and more recently outputs not working. PSU was an easy one to fix, the outputs not working seems to be a loose ribbon cable inside. Looks like the ribbon cable socket is failing to grip the cable so when the desks moved it comes loose.


Would I recommend them? Yes, the Mixwizard and GL ranges are great value for money. The ML range, not as sure. Would rather use something like a Soundcraft MH console or something in the digital domain like a Yamaha.



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It's important to distinguish from old A&H and new A&H. We've (still) got a GL3 in the cupboard, and it's most definately not a desk that I would want to mix on. It requires lots of yamaha PM stylee "love taps" and it's just not fun. I think that the Gl2200/ mixwiz G2 era boards are a definate step up from the older ones, and it's important to consider them amongst their rivals which were in use at the time - mackie 8bus, spirit live 4/2, folio of various plasticy flavours etc. Also, A&H boards, due to them being the workhorse of many hire inventories get absolutely trashed, and so some of the problems are often sheer road hours.


WRT the new stuff it's definately a redesign, and they've fixed the ribbon cable issue on the mixwiz afaiaa. Everything I've used up to the GL2800 has been excellent, and I would highly recommend them, however anything above that desk and personally I'd start to look in the direction of either yammy digi or soundcraft MH series. I also can't help but think that the ilive will not achieve the market penetration of the Vi6, which seems to be a big rival to it, and thus will have a poor resale value.



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On my hire stock I also have a GL3 24/4/2. Having had it from second hand for 6 years I have to say that I have found it to be generally very reliable. It has had faults, but not many and some have been down to a 'clown' dropping something on the faders :) . They certainly get my vote for a desk I am happy to have and use, and also as a meke for the next desk to go on stock.



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