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testing hearing aid loop


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... since using just a meter has meant some installations being passed as "OK" when in reality there's just 100mA / m of rabid mains hum in the room topped up with a small amount of unintelligible speech ;-)

Yep, that was worth the diet coke on the keyboard :D

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  • 5 years later...
I use the Ampetronic FSM (Field Strength Meter), and have found it really helpful. Although I have to say that an AFILS set up according to the precise instructions in the guides comes out (according to all our users) to be way too loud! I think that may simply be because many real-world systems are under-performing, so users are accustomed to expecting much less level. We're in the habit of setting the system up with the FSM, and then reducing the drive in consultation with our users so that they are happy. It's great being able to measure background noise and also get an indication of frequency response as well. And you can always just plu in a set of headphones and use it as a loop listening device.
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Our church owns a loop listener, which apparently isn't working and may be replaced. Does the forum have any such devices to specifically recommend?


Ampetronic do loop listeners (which are quite a bit cheaper than their test device) and also have a listener that can check field strength.


Several of the other loop manufacturers have listening devices too.

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