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Outdoor lighting for building opening


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I have just finished a technical theatre course at yeovil college. They have a new 3 story building opening soon (november this year).

They have asked for some searchlight effects and also some lighting up the building maybe. They seem to be happy with whatever I can give them really.

They have quite a large budget for the event.


My initial ideas were some Mac 2000's for searchlight effects and lighting up the building a bit. Also some citycolour's for lighting up the building.


Just what people's thoughts were on using Mac's outside for this kind of situation. (I know I need mac domes for all of them)


Also not sure how many citycolours I'd need to get a reasonable coverage.


I'm also not sure whether I need something more powerful than a Mac 2000. May need somthing with a 4Kw Xenon lamp.


Here is a pic of the building, I'm only really thinking of lighting the semicircle bit and the rest of the white bits on the frint of the building.






Chris Handcock

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Hi Chris,


It depends very much on the area coverage you require to determine the amount of CC's you would need.

The macs are very punchy and should do the job, although if you want to really go for it you could go as far as dominators. They do take a lot of juice though.


If you chack out the Sudio Due site you will find the photometric charts for the CC's which should give oyu a good idea of how many you will need.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Yes, all of this will take a lot of power. I've never used large power supplies, but have done A level electronics too so have some theoretical knowledge of power.

Anything I'm not sure on I'm seeking professional advice for.


I'm thinking I'll need a generator, which stage electrics will supply be with.


I've been trying to find the studio duo site, and I can't seem to find or access it.


If anyone knows the address, I presumed it would be www.studioduo.com, but that doesn't seem to be it.


I also was thinking about the new martin biglites. But I can't find anywhere that hires them out. Any ideas



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rather than using mac 2000's, have you though about using griven sky rose? I've used them at work before and the8y seem to be fairly powerful. At least, you could see the gobo over 300 metres away in the evning in manchester whn I last saw them used. Think they're 7 kw though, which might be a bit OTT for your purposes!
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if you contact class uk, who are the uk distributors for griven, they might be able to tell you local stockists to you


Class uk

T: +44(0)121 4862021

F: +44(0)121 4862028


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Is there any opportunity to hire one or two of the fixtures you're considering a few weeks before the event to test them out?


Going by the size of the people in the artist's impression, Mac 2Ks may well be bright enough.

It depends what you're trying to do with them though.


If you have time to go the the O2 Dome in London after 10pm one evening, there are four Mac2K profiles outside the cinema running at a similar throw to what you're considering, so you can see if they would be suitable.

(It's a fair trek from Somerset though)

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Yes, looking at the picture, the people do look quite big. Wll it is quite a big building, 3 story.

With that macs I was wondering wether you'd be able to see the beams in the air, like the big 4k xenon fixtures.


If not, I may just use them on the building with the city colours. And if I can get a custom gobo for the Mac's, I could project the college logo on the building too.


As far as I'm aware the used the Mac 2000 washes on the london eye for the new year celebrations, they seemed bright enough then.


I ended cleaning them at stage electrics after they had come off the eye, when I was on work experiance there. (in my half term, damn it)


And I doubt the college would pay for a trial run with a few fixtures, not even one.

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LEDs wil do you good outdoor colour changes, there are some great led fittings. The searchlights are usually big discharge lamps, 10K woukd be nothing excessive. Can you get the power. Does the building have a supply that you can use outside?


Think about the time of day and year, NOTHING competes with the sun as a lightsource!

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