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"Rings musical halted by accident "

Simon Lewis

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You may wish to read some of the results here before commenting, folks.


In short: Make damn sure you know what you're talking about before posting to this thread. Any rampant speculation will not be tolerated. You have been warned.

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My friends were at the performance and basically said similar stuff to what the BBC article says. I bumped into them in London at about 8ish, and they speculated that it may have been the moving stage. I hope the cast and crew recover and get the show back and open as soon as possible as I'd quite like to see it...
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I misread the title of this one, in my usual optimistic way. I read it as an accidental stopping of the show, as opposed to a deliberate stopping of the show following an incident.


Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana

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Of course no speculation as to causes etc, what annoys me is the clear implication in the BBC article and other reports I've seen that stopping the show due to an accident involving a rank-and-file company member and not a leading actor is somehow surprising - it would be quite unnacceptable to suggest that work on a building site should carry on because the guy who fell off the scaffold was only a labourer and not the site foreman...
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Make damn sure you know what you're talking about before posting to this thread. Any rampant speculation will not be tolerated. You have been warned.

I'm intrigued, Matt....

Why pick on this particular topic to refer to the potential issue of subjudice?

There have been others where no similar warnings were given (eg Collapsing stage-under-nuns at Brum Alex, falling beanstalk-under-Krankie to name two).

Or is there something we haven't seen which prompts your comment?





....what annoys me is the clear implication in the BBC article and other reports I've seen that stopping the show due to an accident involving a rank-and-file company member and not a leading actor is somehow surprising
Now I didn't get that from the article, though reading back a couple of times I can see how it might be interpreted that way to a point....

The Beeb said

The individual was not one of the lead actors, but the show was halted....
In some ways, it would be perfectly understandable (an acceptable) for a show to continue if a minor player got injured, and rightly so, depending on the circumstances. Even if a dancer, eg, slipped and broke a leg, off-stage, as long as the show could continue without him/her, why should it not? After all there are potentially a couple of thousand punters out front who've paid good money to see the performance, and made the effort to get there.

The fact that a show may HAVE to stop if a lead got injured is of course different. Absence of the main characters is a bit pointless compared to third spear carrier... (Though obviously there's the likelihood that understudies can step up).


It sounds as though in this case, however, that the injury involved scenery set pieces that may have been deemed of further risk to others, and THAT may have been the reason to cancel the evening....


This of course, is pure subjecture, as I have no specific info on exactly what did happen.

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Moderation: QUALITY CONTROL - what the mods were hoping is that until facts become known, any specualtion on what happened, who is to blame, what remedial action is being taken etc, we should be very careful what the BR is seen to be promoting. Perhaps we were a little too subtle, hoping people would not respond without any facts being available. This topic has served the purpose of letting people know something happened. Until facts become clear - or more useful info emerges, for the moment the topic is closed. Anyone with any information should contact any of the mod team who will be happy to re-open the topic at at later date.
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