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"Mr. Richmond was actually the Rank company's fourth mock ringer ..."

The sound of the gong was actually supplied, for many years, by the percussionist James Blades. In the early days it was necessary to re-record the sound for every film and he got the job.


He tells an anecdote that when he finally gave up the job he agreed to train the new percussionist. The new bloke turned up and saw the size of the gong (they had to use the same size as in the picture so it sounded correct), realising that to hit it in the middle would mean standing on a ladder. This guy didn't like heights and hated ladders. He spent quite some time psyching himself up for the job, practicing climbing the ladder and practicing hitting a gong whilst shaking. When they eventually got a succesfull recording and he came down the ladder pleased with himself for having fianlly done it, Blades said to him "I don't know why you bothered with the ladder - it would have sounded exactly the same if you'd hit it at the bottom!". :)

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Not the same - much better! I've done my share of sitting at the back of an orchestra or brass band, counting bars' rest and hitting things occasionally, and I can tell you that gongs sound much better when struck about two-thirds of the way out along their radius. :)
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He tells an anecdote that when he finally gave up the job he agreed to train the new percussionist. The new bloke turned up and saw the size of the gong (they had to use the same size as in the picture so it sounded correct), realising that to hit it in the middle would mean standing on a ladder. This guy didn't like heights and hated ladders.


Hmmm...sounds rather spurious to me. I know the gongs they used for the Rank titles were all fake, plaster or paper-mache, and I was sure Blades used a normal sized orchestral tam-tam.

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That just looks like he's hitting a large orange! he could sell that to one of those trendy juice bars.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hehe... Not that I'd actually want much of what they're currently punting on that site.


So far I've been unable to find any software etc for 300/500 series consoles. Hrm. Fixture librarys anyone? Support for a large number of the older products seems to also have disapeared..


And yes, I'm mourning the loss of the old logo. Shame, I really liked it!


It's just been pointed out to me the software, fixture libraries, manuals, cheat sheets and even Rob Halliday's console tips for the 300 and 500 series consoles are now on the new site (under "Support", "Search Product Downloads") as well as quite a bit of other stuff so I guess someone is listening.

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can't find a 300 series manual, 100, 301, 500


Try it again, go to "Support" then select "Manual" in the "Document Type" drop down box and hit "Search" and see what you get.. . Don't bother to select anything in either "Product Category" or "Product Name" You can, but it will limit your results.


You won't get a 300 manual but I don't think there was one anyway, the 500 manual is what I've always used, it covers all the different 500 series consoles and the 300's too, listing the differences as you go along.


I just tried it and I got the 100, the 301 , the 500, etc.

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Yes - there's never been a 300 series manual, or if you want to be pedantic, a 500 series manual. It's a GeniusPro/Lightpalette operators manual. To be fair, it's also available online in various forms, including the searchable HTML one from a college somewhere (just google "genius pro manual")
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It's not very well categorised, but if you look under all 300 series downloads you get "300 Series Console - PC Help Files (Manual) v2.8.6(HF) Software". This file contacts the manual in HTML form once installed and unpacked, which is the same one the college have put online.
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  • 2 weeks later...

They are still selling lanterns acording to their website.


Well, they are advertised as being available to buy anyhow.


Who knows any more about this? And does anyone know who stocks them?

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They are still selling lanterns acording to their website.


Well, they are advertised as being available to buy anyhow.


Who knows any more about this? And does anyone know who stocks them?


Strand was purchased by Genlyte in 2006 and unfortunately had to put the UK company into receivership and could not operate under the name of Strand Lighting for 1 year. Well that is now over and Strand is back in the UK. You can find lots of information on current as well as some legacy products at www.strandlighting.com.


Here is some contact info...


Kenneth Berreen

Regional Sales Manager

Tel: + 44 (0) 1293 533859

Mobile: + 44 (0) 7776 044905

Fax: + 44 (0) 1293 533859



Feel free to contact me for console tech support about 300 series, 500 series and the new Palette and LightPalette line of consoles. I will also put in the requests for putting legacy info on the website. Please email any and all requests to the email address below.


Bobby Harrell


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The main change from the users perspective is that Strand is now an outpost of an American company, and they have removed some UK only products from the range (and a few Italian ones too). The items shown on the website are pretty well known, and loads of people still sell them - all the big players, and even people like Thomann are still selling them.


The Genlyte aquisition is now recent history, and as far as we can tell, things are going ok. People are buying the new desk range, and things seem to have settled down.

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