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colouring Smoke machine liquid

Noise Boy Sam

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I you put colouring in the dry ice liquid does it make the smoke come out that colour?

ie. blue, red

Simple answer....


The CO2 fog is generated from the reaction between the solid Carbon Dioxide and the heat from the water.

There's no way that any colour from the water will transfer to the mist.


Your best way of colouring the fog is with lighting - possibly low-level lights thru the fog.

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Do you mean smoke or dry ice? As they are very different things. Smoke is made by a machine burning a fluid and pumping the exhaust out onto stage, dry ice is the evaporated form of CO2 and quite dangerous to handle if care is not taken. That aside I've never heard of colourant being added DIY style to smoke fluid and I wouldn;t recommend it. As for Dry Ice, I have to say I'm not experienced enough with it to offer advice, although my gut tells me that adding colourant wouldn't work because it wouldn't behave like the CO2.

As a solution, if you are using a smoke machine, I would try a search for a pre-coloured compatible smoke fluid, I'm sure you aren;t the first person to want it. :D

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As a solution, if you are using a smoke machine, I would try a search for a pre-coloured compatible smoke fluid, I'm sure you aren;t the first person to want it. :D
Again, there is NO coloured smoke fluid available, or desirable, aas any colourant would likely cause a blockage in the workings of the majority (if not all) machines.


Again, this topic has been discussed before - SEARCH is your friend!

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Do you mean smoke or dry ice? As they are very different things. Smoke is made by a machine burning a fluid and pumping the exhaust out onto stage,

To be pedantic there is no such thing as a 'Smoke' machine.


From wikipedia...

Smoke is a suspension in air (aerosol) of small particles resulting from incomplete combustion of a fuel.


In a 'smoke' machine their is no combustion. The stuff coming out of the nozzle is simply a suspension in air of small particles (as above) but is produced by vaporisation and/or atomisation alone.


And you really don't want to be adding any old dyestuff to that. I hate to think what nasties will be produced when some dyes are heated. And then inhaled.

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There IS currently fluid for coloured smoke. BUT it is for aerobatic display use, not for theatre.


The people that live near the red arrows base HATE it because the arrows cannot land with fluid onboard so they burn it off on approach and can stain washing for some miles.


Smoke gets everywhere so the dye does also.

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there was indeed a orange smoke fluid and even red and blue. we have these sat in our store room in the theatre. we have had them however for over 10 years so probably not in circulation anymore.

I would be very wary of using them. The dyes used in them will not only stain everyting but are possibly (probably?) carcinogenic and may well have other toxicology concerns. Remember not only will they be vapourised/atomised but may also be heated to a few hundred degrees centigrade possible creating new and interesting hydrocarbons...

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They list a colour smoke machine, but I am guessing it is a pyrotecnic base not fluid heating. I have used a few pyro coloured smokes TPL make 3 or 4 different but the coloured smoke is pretty nasty and I am pretty sure will dye surfaces


I think Maya are closed still for the New Year, but they usually reply to email fairly fast



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"Introdution: adoption eliminates a proccessing lately and deals with contact quickly ,ten thousand to adjust the angle,dismantle to unload the convenience operate in brief and devide to keep the control type and DMX512 singnal controls ."


Sorry run that by me again , I didn't quite catch what you just said.....

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