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Other tech forums?


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I'm grateful to a colleague for pointing me at this forum. I've been part of starting another, in ignorance that this one existed.


Please check out the Midlands Technical Forum, set up in 2006 to help communication in the Midlands tech world. At the moment we're concentrating on training issues and the tallescope debate. We also host several meetings a year. Sometimes nothing's quite like face to face.


Link; http://groups.google.com/group/Tech-Forum/topics


I'll add a link to this forum on the Midlands TF.


Does anyone know of any others in the UK?



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The biggie, besides this one, is rats (aka the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft) Its a global forum (as is the BR), but unlike the BR has a more American flavour than anything else.


If you don't speak Usenet, its available via Google here.

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Traffic on r.a.t.s. has, in recent months, plummeted to the point of sometimes being only a couple of posts a week. But at least Frank Wood hasn't been seen on there for months, so that's one major factor in its favour.


The other major tech-related internet forum site is The Light Network - a very busy forum, but international with a very North American bias (unlike the BR), and the moderation is lax almost to the point of being non-existant, with the result that the signal-to-noise ratio is quite low.

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Traffic on r.a.t.s. has, in recent months, plummeted to the point of sometimes being only a couple of posts a week. But at least Frank Wood hasn't been seen on there for months, so that's one major factor in its favour.
r.a.t.s. may be quiet, but the Stagecraft mailing list (which is haunted by quite a few of the r.a.t.s. membership) has been FLOODED with posts!


To subscribe to this mailing list forum, e-mail the admin here - stagecraft-subscribe@theatrical.net

Then there's also Tabslist - a similar (and much quieter) mailing list - tabslist@yahoogroups.com


Both, I think, can be viewed historically on the interweb - the latter obviously via Yahoo.

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Is Frank Wood posting on the Stagecraft list, Tony? (The answer to that question will determine whether or not I bother signing up to it!)
Ummm.... well,..... er..... ................yes.

He has been quieter than usual of late, though I'm not reading all thread at the moment - as I say, it's exploded recently.

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Traffic on r.a.t.s. has, in recent months, plummeted to the point of sometimes being only a couple of posts a week. But at least Frank Wood hasn't been seen on there for months, so that's one major factor in its favour.


The other major tech-related internet forum site is The Light Network - a very busy forum, but international with a very North American bias (unlike the BR), and the moderation is lax almost to the point of being non-existant, with the result that the signal-to-noise ratio is quite low.


Kind of miss Frank, could at least say he provoked discussion ;-)


Lightnetwork is kinda moderated by peoples north American employment opportunities becoming more limited should they come a cropper there, probably much the same with blue room for UK, lot of lurkers and `nyms. Moderation is very much a matter of taste...............................


More sound and again UScentric but small lighting section and possibly bit more friendly that usenet rec.audio.pro PSW`s the Lab:




UKSLC has a friendly UK centric forum:



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I'm sorry but does anyone know of any resources for club/venue/gig sound & lx engineering?
It is a little self serving of me, and has already been mentioned, but PSW has a forum that is mostly club oriented, and a concert lighting forum. It is not particularly theater oriented.



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