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Dream Theatre Sound System


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Well, a little festive (family around, boredom-induced) fun...


You're dream theatre sound system. No budgetary constraints.




Console: Cadac J-Type

System Delay etc: Cadac D16


Mains: Opus PSD800T

Subs: Opus SB218

Fronts/Underbalcs: Opus ISO6

Foldback: Meyer UPM-1's (w/ lab/gruppen fp+ series amps)


Amps/XO's: Opus


Wireless: Sennheiser SK5212 beltpacks with DPA 4061's


Verbs: Lexicon PCM91's


Orchestra Mics: Neumann and DPA

DI's: Opus DI's


Sound Effects: SFX ProAudio/Show Control





Well, whats yours?





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I can't see the point here, to be honest. Gear lust is a sad thing. A nice collection of kit, I'd certainly agree - but to what end? It certainly wouldn't be much cop for a number of projects.


So all we will have is everybodies fantasised about kit, and rather making people on the theatre sound forum look at us and smile.


Gear lust is a shameful thing, making very few people happy with what they have.

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I dont think I said this was a serious discussion of the validities and suitability of everyones equipment choices, just what everyone would consider to be the 'ideal system for the best possible sound quality'.


Also, its a bit of christmas fun to alleviate the boredom.

Sorry, but I'm with paul.

Next we'll have a wish list for lights, desks, movers, props, FX, etc etc.

That to me is pretty much the dregs of boredom.


If you're that bored you have to invent stuff to talk about maybe you need to take a look at your priorities!

I can't remember the last time I could even think about being bored....!!



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I'm going to have to back the others up, a dream system in one venue might be a hideous system for someone else, for two reasons personal choice (but that's really the point of the thread I guess) and secondly and more importantly venue requirements. A system which may work brilliantly in one venue can sound like a dog in another. Granted everyone has personal preferences, I personally think L-Acoustics products are great for theatre, reasons for my preference are the range of models available and familiarity. One venue might need ARCS, another Hi-Q's, another DV-DOSC etc, and that's just from one manufacturer, there are venues where sometimes one manufacturer doesn't have the ideal product. The same can be said for the system control/amplification in your post.


To be honest you might of well of done a who's your favourite manufacturer poll. Sorry for being a little negative but I'm more a fan of discussions about peoples problems/experiences rather than the ever increasing (and pointless) what's the best threads. Not aimed entirely at the OP by the way, or the sound forum for that matter!


One thing I would ask the OP is how much of your 'dream list' have you actually seriously used in anger in a theatre environment? If you've used it all then you've been lucky to have experience of high end kit like this, particularly whilst still at university. How many other systems, desks etc. have you used? Without having used many systems, it's impossible to be able to come up with a dream list based purely on specifications, which is how I suspect this thread could head!



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I'm afraid I'll join the chorus of "we don't need this topic" here but I'll add yet another reason:


Your "dream system" is actually nothing particularly unusual for a list of major West End or Broadway shows. While it might not be exactly the mix of gear you mention, there's many a professional out there (and hopefully in the BR) who works regularly with this level of equipment.



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Your "dream system" is actually nothing particularly unusual for a list of major West End or Broadway shows. While it might not be exactly the mix of gear you mention, there's many a professional out there (and hopefully in the BR) who works regularly with this level of equipment.
True - one man's (or boy's) dream is another man's day job!!


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Perhaps 'Dream' was the wrong word to use.


Whilst I am still at university, I have spent time with shows that use that level of equipment (exactly it in one case) and I was extremely impressed with the results and the quality of the sound. Also the Snd 1's and 2's were very helpful and accomodating- this was extremely gratifying and for someone graduating in a scarily short time, very helpful and informative.

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Well I would say your lucky to be able to have experience of high end systems like the one you describe. The other thing you have to consider is the engineer using the system, a high specification system (or any system for that matter) can sound apauling if it's not setup well and/or the sound is not well engineered.
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My dream system is one that just works, has the appropriate coverage for the venue and is pitched at the right level for the events handled. Gear is, with all due respect, irrelevant.


I'm not saying you can do any show in the world on a Behringer Eurodesk and a couple of Mackie 450s, merely that with the appropriate gear it doesn't matter. You want a Cadac, that's fine. I've never used one in anger but due to my general R&R background I find the layout a little unconventional, I'd prefer a digital of some description, but I'd be a pretty poor engineer if I couldn't transition from a Digico to a Yamaha to a Digidesign to a Soundcraft to a Midas. Same with the speakers, if a rig of 6 EAW KF730 is fine for the venue as a centre fill it would also be pretty much fine with a similar array of 6 dV-DOSC. I don't have a huge preference between the two because either is a very high quality system that has been installed for even coverage.


Now there are some things that make the job easier whatever the weather, like a Lake processor with remote control, though equally that can be achieve with a DriveRack 480R or an XTA with Wireless, it just happens the Lake is generally the best thought out as it was designed in from the start.


Now offer me the pick of a system enginer who knows his venue, his kit and its limitations against one who happens to get rota'd on that day and can just turn things on and go and I'll take the former every time.





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The perfect sound system for theatre?





A good actor should be able to project to the back of the stalls in a well designed theatre. I'd put money on it that very few of the theatres in this country started life with any reinforcement at all. Why do we need it now? Musicals / opera had been performed for generations before we had electricity, never mind D&B sound systems.


Sorry, that's about 1/2 of us out of work. I'll get my coat! :)

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A good actor should be able to project to the back of the stalls in a well designed theatre.


[cat amongst the pigeons]


So what has changed? Is it that actors no longer know how to project? Or is it that audiences no longer know how to listen?


Or is it just simply changed expectations?

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A good actor should be able to project to the back of the stalls in a well designed theatre.

So what has changed? Is it that actors no longer know how to project? Or is it that audiences no longer know how to listen?

Or is it just simply changed expectations?

My opinion?

Actors have grown up without learning to project properly - let's face it, there's more (paid) work out there for film & TV actors and they don't need to project. Plus, with increases in the technology, performers on stage have been 'helped' by better sound systems, and bands etc get louder for the same reason.


And yes - audiences expect 'more' these days - punchier music with vocals they can hear over the top.

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