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Yes, I think she is trolling - but what info shes trolling for, has already been done.


A theatre not too far from here is currently doing a panto, and has 15 year olds operating Sound, and as ASM's / FS ops.


Dont worry Staralike - The local licensing team has been informed about the breach of the PEL (not informing the council of the use of Pyros), and that none of the DSM's have been through a pyro course - heck, some of the placements of the pyros, you cant even see from the prompt position, so how do you know if anyones stood on it !.


I got told by the venue manager ' dont worry, the hire company have told us its ok to use pyros '. Ah well, that will cover my bum when I kill someone then, wont it !.


With regard to the 15 year olds, I think they are very capable, however, the law is the law - and having seen another one rewire a plug last year (not you two who frequent the blue room !), I soetimes have my reservations.


As you might know, I pulled out as DSM, due to the total lack of caring from the centre management team of the logistics of it all. Who can run a panto on 2 crew with 8 scene changes, 200 sound / light cues, and about 50 props.


Oh, and do this all on non paid crew.

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I am confused. You claim to be 15 in some posts, yet also in charge of access control for a venue, a member of ABTT

I may be feeding a troll. But hey its Christmas.

Hmmm.... (tm Ynot)


Fair point.

And I'd personally be wary of allowing a 14/15 yr old to take the responsibility for opertaing pyro - cos I'm pretty sure our insurers would be!

And before we get a raft of "Don't slag us cos we're teenagers" whines, this is one of THOSE areas where responsibility and culpability are dictated by laws when it comes to age! At 15, I believe you can NOT be held responsible for serious injury by pyro in the eyes of the law, BUT there would be serious repercussions for any responsible adult who either gave you the job or allowed you to carry it out.


(Note how the word 'responsible' comes in a few times there? :cold:)

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And after a further conversation - one of the 15 year olds has told staralike hes pyro trained !!. Now THATS a risk !.


So far ......


Local Council Licensing team told about use of pyros. (they havant informed, so breach of PEL)

Local Council Licensing team told about the use of 15 year olds in tech roles (without young performers licenses / chaparones etc)


They are VERY interested, and everythings being put on paper now for them.


Will keep you all updated.

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Also can 14/15 year olds work in this panto in sound, lighting, and stage managing, without a performers licence?

A quick search reveals that you yourself started a thread on exactly this subject (under-16s working in a theatre) just a month ago.


And I think DJW is right to be confused about your, shall we say, professional status - first of all you give the impression that you're responsible for specifying an access control system for a venue, then it turns out that you can't work at the venue any longer because you're only 15 ; now you appear to be worrying about local authority permissions for use of pyro in a show when you're apparently not actually old enough to be dealing with such things.


I have a feeling he may be right - you're not who you say you are, and you're trolling the forum.

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What I don't get is that saying your too young is the same as saying your too old and that's a law now in the UK - age discrimination is ilegal :cold: ... I don't know the details on this law but this seems to be one of those moments where the law contradicts itself!


Would this be the place for people to give advise on that?? :(


Help?!? :** laughs out loud **:

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What I don't get is that saying your too young is the same as saying your too old and that's a law now in the UK - age discrimination is ilegal :cold: ... I don't know the details on this law but this seems to be one of those moments where the law contradicts itself!

Quite simply, the law on 'ageism' states that in a basic way an employer may not refuse employment to any individual based on their age, be that young or old. However, there are certain laws that have been around for a LONG time, some of which are updated, that restrict individuals from doing CERTAIN things based on age.


EG -

drinking - 18

smoking - 16

voting - 18

sex - 16


These reflect the level of perceived responsibility attached to these activities. Now it may be that some people under those ages MAY be more responsible than their peers and MAY be trsutworthy enough to do them without problem, BUT regardless of that, it's still the LAW. (That's not to say that people OVER the ages above can and do act responsibly, but that just means they take on that responsibility themselves, instead of it devolving to a mature adult) Hey - there's that word responsible again!! :(


Other age laws will apply to older people too - after a certain age, I believe it's necessary to retake a driving test as I recall. Some jobs have a mandatory retirement age because of health/fitness reasons. Again, those over those prescribed ages MAY be perfectly capable, but again, some laws supercede others.


When it comes to pyro, and other things potentially dangerous, there are some laws that prohibit youngsters from operate them. It's against the law for under 18's to possess fireworks in a public place. I believe it's also against the law for under 18's to operate pyro in a theatrical environment (though I may be wrong there - one of the pyro guys will be able to confirm).

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