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Camouflage Net

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Hello Everyone,


I'm doing an event in 2008, and I'm going to need a lot of camouflage net. I've had a look on google for suppliers, and I also thought I would ask you lot if you had any trusted suppliers, or if any of you had any camouflage nets that you want to get rid of?


Let me know.



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we got a lot from an army surplus place on Essex Road - bit of a long way to come from Wales, I know, but I'd imagine there are similar places in Cardiff. There used to be a place in Bristol near the Colston hall that did military surplus - I even bought a Lee Enfield .303 from there for a Trestle show (in the days when you could just go and buy a de-activated rifle from a shop) - might be worth a hunt, though I haven't been there for years, so may have gone now.


even if you're told it's fireproof - take it with a pinch of salt and test / spray anyway. most of it isn't treated or inherently retardant. We sprayed manically, but by the time the show got to Sadlers Wells it had worn off and we weren't allowed to use it without re-treating, no time, so camo got cut....I guess the gents in khaki reckon that if a missile gets you you're not going to be that bothered about a bit of a fire, and if the camo does it's job, the missile won't get you, therefore no risk of fire????

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We sprayed manically, but by the time the show got to Sadlers Wells it had worn off and we weren't allowed to use it without re-treating, no time, so camo got cut....


Just out of interest, what were you using? We have 100 square metres of the stuff in the nightclub I work in and we seem to pass fire/health and safety inspections by spraying it every 6 - 10 months. Must be a conditions factor.

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Hello Everyone,


I'm doing an event in 2008, and I'm going to need a lot of camouflage net. I've had a look on google for suppliers, and I also thought I would ask you lot if you had any trusted suppliers, or if any of you had any camouflage nets that you want to get rid of?


Let me know.




Where is the event to take place?

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We sprayed manically, but by the time the show got to Sadlers Wells it had worn off and we weren't allowed to use it without re-treating, no time, so camo got cut....


Just out of interest, what were you using? We have 100 square metres of the stuff in the nightclub I work in and we seem to pass fire/health and safety inspections by spraying it every 6 - 10 months. Must be a conditions factor.


we used Flamecheck, which coats the surface - we didn't think the fabric would absorb anything. it was then on tour and in and out of a van every few days before it returned to London, so a lot of handling meant the stuff had basically rubbed off, I suppose. We looked at other ways of doing it, but there wasn't the time as it was only in the Bayliss for a week, so we gave up, as it was the last week of the tour.

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