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Rack Light


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OK - I'm looking for a number of rack lights for a number of racks. (duh!)


I have a fairly good idea of what I'm after but don't seem to be able to find it.


Personaly I'm not one who normaly uses lights in racks but listening to feedback I'm considering adding them after requests from other operators.


I'm looking for something that contains its own transformer, (not a fan of wall warts in racks)

Doesn't create too much spill light (sound should be heard and not seen)

Doesn't cost the earth. (I don't thinks spending more on each rack light than I would on a new minuette fresnel is a good idea)

Doesn't stand out (I'm not being snobby but having BEHRINGER in 2" hight letters lighting up my rack of DN360s doesn't give the right impression....)


I've heard the Thomann one recomended a few times on this forum, various reasons but these are not suitable.


Any thoughts guys?

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I have seen some nice ones that are power distro/conditioners/racklights all in one, yes probably a bit more expense, but potentially useful...


If you're up for a bit of DIY there's always a blanking plate, http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Module...ht&doy=7m11 type things, and some metal spill guard.


there's also the 'chav' your car / pc type things: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Module...ht&doy=7m11 , yes would need a psu, but that could be built into a blanking plate...



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I've heard the Thomann one recommended a few times on this forum, various reasons but these are not suitable.


Check Thomann, they do gooseneck ones to the one strip versions




May I recommend the Furman power conditioner?Has two pull out lights,and doesnt really cost the earth considering what it does!



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The Samson Powerbrite units are also worth considering. Basic unit retails about £100, has a flourescent and the 'Samson' name logo can be replacres with whetever you want, and has 10 or 12 IEC outlests on the rear.

The better unit also has a gooseneck light on the rear (handy for seeing connections!) although one or two less IEC outlets.

I've used a basic unit since late 2000 and still not had to replace the tube. :rolleyes:

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Personally I'm not one who normally uses lights in racks but listening to feedback I'm considering adding them after requests from other operators.


You may find a graphic helps more than a light! :stagecrew:




I have always thought these look rather good.

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For what is actually inside a Furman unit, they are a complete rip-off.


I'd agree - "power conditioning" seems to be a term that the general populace has swallowed without thinking. I'm not saying that it's not necessary, but that there's a bit more to it that some would infer.


I do like the EMO racklite, but found it hard to justify the cost.


Adam Hall make a rather fetching LED illuminated perspex bar, that comes in single or multiple colours...



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